[b]Name:[/b] Cholon-Badzar (Thunder of the mountain, or more literally translated: Stone Thunderbolt)   [b]Rank:[/b] Intercessor   [b]Age:[/b] 82 [b] Gene-sire:[/b] Jaghatai Khan   [b]Personality:[/b] Cholon is a white scar, what’s more he is Chogorian. Which explains many of his decisions, habits and quirks, and his interactions towards others.   His mood can change as quickly as the winds and storms of his homeland. From gentle and easy compassion and comradery or roused into a terrible fury that can rival the destructive force of a macro plasma cannon.   He has little reason to hold animosity towards any of his brothers, as many in his chapter have cultivated towards the Raven guard or others. Long stasis having saved him from being such petty bickering being implanted into his mind. Any animosity he may feel or come to feel against a particular brother would be on a more personal level.   He holds reveration towards librarians and psykers who possess the ability to manipulate the ‘powers of heaven’, and pity to those entombed in sterile claustrophobia that is existence in a dreadnought sarcophagus. He distrusts those incapable of laughter, or those unwilling to accept or acknowledge glory and great deeds of themselves or others. He dislikes battle plans that keep him as a stationary object, greatly preferring to be moving in any direction.   [b]Description: [/b] His armour is white, like all white scars armour, and embossed with a proud Imperialis of bright red colour. He does not mark his armour with the same traditional honour markings as the white scars themselves but he does collect and hang trophies from his hip or shoulder guards, as his savage bretheren often do. Most often this means skulls, but sometimes strips of hide, fur or claws & fangs depending on the nature of the enemy laid low. Uner his armour his features are unsuprisingly similar to many of his homeworld of Chogoris. His skin dark and his long hair is black as jet, his features reminiscent of a bloodline and sub-people long since extinguished from the surface of Chogoris but cirtually identical as far as those not from chogoris are concerned. Facial scars can be faintly seen, having been ritually carved into his face but his enchanced biology does not allow them to persist for very long before dissapearing.   [b]History:[/b] Cholon isn’t entirely certain of his pre-stasis origins. Aside from bits and pieces, between his physical alterations, hypo-indoctrination and extra-long slumber in cryo-storage there are gaps in his memory. Not helped by the fact that his awakening, like many others was rushed by the underlings of Archmagos Cawl. In the rush to fulfill Lord Commander Gulliman’s need for a massive deployment of new troops. A degree of amnesia was not unexpected or considered alarming after such a long period of inactivity, as was told by the techpriest magos overseeing his recovery. His indoctrinated training and enhanced skills were retained throughout his slumber. Which in the end is all that truly mattered for him as a warrior.   He knows he is from Chogoris, but from what tribe he once held he could not say. Perhaps he was from the Odghai people? Or maybe his people once fought against the Odghai? Or with them? It was hard to say, it was one of the only names and fragments he retained from his past but he felt neither pride nor animosity towards it. Ten thousand years later it hardly mattered. Not the least which reason is that tribe and its old name had long since been forgotten by the galaxy at large and chogoris.     He was awoken some decades into the indomitus crusade as reinforcement for the unnumbered sons. He didn’t even know his name at during those first confusing days. Most details about the Current state of the Imperium had to be taught to him, all he knew is that from his perspective enough time had passed that even the constellations above terra had begun to shift into unfamiliar new patterns, or maybe he they were the wrong stars to begin with? In either case this was not the galaxy he remembered, but was still the galaxy he must fight for.   But some details about himself he simply knew. For reasons he could not explain. He knew his lineage, and knew the name of his primarch progenitor without prompt, despite remembering virtually nothing about him other than the most basic and grand points of his legacy. He knew the call of the wind and thunder in his veins, urging him to battle the enemies of the Khan. If felt familiar and comfortable.   [b]Equipment: [/b]   Mk X Tacticus power armour Mk II Cawl pattern bolt rifle -w/ auxiliary grenade launcher - Auxiliary grenade bandolier x 6 Bolt Pistol Combat blade Frag grenades x 2 Krak grenades x 2