Between Sabine's defiance, the staff, and her knowledge of restoration magic, the thought of Yerig staying dead did not even cross her mind. She lowered herself to her knees by his side and placed a hand on his chest. A yellow light shone over the scorch-mark where the lightning bold spell struck. Sabine closed her eyes and mouth. Her face twitched as if dreaming. The light grew for another ten seconds, healing the immediate damage. Sabine put a jolt through Yerig's heart. Just enough to make it beat. His entire midsection tensed and fell involuntarily. She tried again. A flash ended the yellow light. Yerig had not been dead long, which made Sabine's magic possible. She manually tensed his diaphragm to force him to inhale. Whether it would be enough to revive him or not, Sabine exhausted all she knew how to do. No more power applied to the problem would fix it. She stood up and watched to see what would happen.