[h2][center]Shokuhou Misaki[/center][/h2] With her feet landing softly on the pavement, Misaki let out a sigh of relief as she watched the portal back fade away into obscurity once more. After that sudden detour, it was only fair to want to take a bit of a breather, but she knew that doing so right now might lead to another capture. No, more than that, she had to find a place to retreat to; without any easy way back into Academy City (not like that was a place to want to be right now) and a fair certainty that she wasn't even in her own version of [i]Tokyo[/i] right now, the ideal scenario right now would either be to lay low. Well, that or... "...Contact the government," she muttered to herself as the faint sounds of police sirens resonating from across the city met her ears. Yes, that was certainly an option; she'd sacrifice almost 90% of her autonomy at minimum and probably have to mind control her way out if things went south, but antagonizing the entirety of Japan was not something she wanted on her 'to-do' list for today. At the same time, though, she didn't want to sleep out on the streets or wander about aimlessly like a zombie until daybreak... [i]"I wonder... If I contact a police station, then control the precinct... Actually, now that I think about it, let's do that. Worst comes to worst, I wipe the memory of anyone who saw me and run, right?"[/i] she rationalized to herself as she began to move. If the sounds of chaos all over the city were any indication, she'd have plenty of spare time to move about to try and find any police officer that wasn't in a panic trying to keep the peace. [hr] [h2][center]Leonardo Watch[/center][/h2] "Erm... Cagliostro and... Asterios, was it? Are you from outside Hellsa- I mean, New York? Actually, given what just happened, I think that's already pretty clear. Um... Well, I'm not sure what exactly to talk about here, then. But seriously, this place is a lot more peaceful than Hellsalem's Lot... Minus the helicopters flying towa—" Leo's lackadaisical smile slowly froze as the gears began turning in his head. The sudden mobilization of a military police force meant that there was a threat that happened to appear just as suddenly; given that the people that were walking around at this time of day weren't on edge at all, then the possibility of 'war' was also on the table. To him, of course, it spelled out the possibility of another 'Fall' like the one that had happened in Hellsalem's Lot, which also meant... With a jolt, Leo sprung to his feet, beads of sweat forming at his brow as he looked at the direction the helicopters were flying in before taking a deep breath. It wouldn't be long before the city might attempt to cut off all forms of transport in and out of the area, which meant that time was of the essence. He didn't [i]want[/i] to go, but at times like these, staying put was probably less productive that going out and trying to stop the fire before it spread, so to speak. "Sorry, but I think I'm going to have to check out what's going on," he said, bowing in apology to the two in front of him before darting off, Sonic grabbing onto the hem of his jacket as he did so. The easiest way to get there right now was the subway, and... Well, hopefully his card worked, because running down a bridge either blocked off by police or filled with moving cars with no walking lanes was a fool's errand. [hr] [h2][center]Hinanawi Tenshi[/center][/h2] Tenshi grumbled to herself as their opponent was able to block most of her bullets before dragging that other swordswoman into a ball of plants... Or something. Before she could move to free her, though, said swordswoman casually broke out with her own power, and it wasn't long before the combined force of both her and the child with the oversized hammer managed to knock their opposition flying. She, apparently, wasn't as needed here as she thought. At the same time, though, it wasn't as if she wanted to suddenly disappear after all of... Well, [i]this[/i] had happened. While having an inner monologue about what course of action to take next, the weirdo flying above their heads finally managed to drag Tenshi's attention away from her own problems. He didn't seem hostile, of course, but she wasn't in the mood for dealing with an arrogant bystander. "We'll deal with that problem when we get there," she shouted back, rolling her eyes as she turned to face him head on. "What about you? If you're so afraid of some 'army', then you should be the one leaving, no? If you stick around, you'll only be caught up with the rest of us." Not that she was expecting to be caught, of course, but the humans of the Outside World seemed to be more proactive and... Well, reasonable, in a way? She didn't want to have to injure anyone who was [i]too[/i] far under her in terms of strength, after all; that was bullying, not a match, and doing that just felt [i]wrong[/i]. A match, however, she wouldn't mind, but there was no way that the Outside World had something to match her if those talks were of any significant truth. [@VitaVitaAR][@KoL][@Grey Star][@Raineh Daze][@Dezuel]