[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T6W1s9Q.png[/img] [h2][color=red]Jubilee Faustus[/color][/h2] [@The 42nd Gecko][/center] Jubilee stared at the kraken as it hit Cassiopia several times, splattering globs of the slime throughout the water to little effect. Eventually it straight up ate her with little fanfare, turning it's attention to Jubilee. A moment passed before she frowned at the mighty squid, waggling her finger at it as though it were a naughty child. [color=red]"No! That's a bad squid, we don't eat Demons! Demons eat you!"[/color] Shadows all around began to contort and twist as they latched onto the kraken, eating away at its hide as it writhed and contorted in pain. The ink it had created actively worked against it, creating more darkness for Jubilee to use in consuming the many armed monster. It swiped at the darkness covering it in an attempt to scrape it off, but only succeeded in covering it's arms as it was consumed by the ravenous shadows. While all this happened Jubilee chose to just float in the water and wait for the monster to die off. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gcs7I7b.jpg[/img] [color=lavender][h2]Utada Mitsuda[/h2][/color] [@Lmpkio][/center] Utada was especially cautious of the immeasurable amount of sea urchins that rained from above, her armor would be able to protect her from one or two explosions, but this was absolutely insane. She carefully made her way through the minefield with the help of her suit's navigational systems and jet boosters, zipping in between the urchins with room to spare. Of course she had to turn off her cloaking due to the power being used by her nav systems, but it was worth it to avoid being shish kebabed. A message notification would pop up on Unit T's screen as she made her way through the black snow, if she accepted a direct video connection would open between the two of them. [color=lavender]"I'm almost through Unit-T, what's your progress on making it to the city?"[/color] She simply didn't have the concentration needed to look at how Unit-T was doing, it was everything she had to just barely avoid setting off the dangerous creatures.