[hr][hr][center][h1][color=9e0b0f][b]Российский императорский цирк[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][color=9e0b0f][b](Russian Imperial Circus)[/b][/color][/center] [center][h3][color=c0c0c0]Sister Mary Ignatia Hale[/color] & [color=firebrick]The Great Bazhooli[/color][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] The cost of admission had been paid by many, tickets almost innumerable waiting to be reclaimed by the proprietors of the Russian Grand Circus. Many other points of sale were fired up and ready to be distributed for a modest fee, concessions and souvenirs to delight the people of London, young and old alike. But they simply weren't there. Neither the young, nor the old, nor the able nor infirm, merchant nor mistress, prince nor pauper had arrived to take in the experiences of the Circus - arguably the most prestigious Circus in existence. This was the first impression of Vladimir as he and Mary exited the imposing living quarters of Baron Alexandrov. The profits from the performance at Astley's Amphitheatre, courtesy of The Great Bazhooli, would keep the troupe fed and their day-to-day repairs met for some time without dipping into savings. This was not the concern, so much. The expenditure necessary to travel the distance they did was supposed to be recouped in the first day or so of full performances, seeing as it was London during the Season. They were like an army moving without clear supply lines; help from home would take a lot of precious time to get there. Not only was their financial schedule behind, there was a circus full of performers in full regalia with no audience. It was thoroughly infuriating to the talented men and women present. Add to this the uncertainty of the Grand Duchess, and these were not happy people. [color=c0c0c0]"Word concerning the tragedy of Almack's has spread across London, Master Alexandrov. No doubt the incidents from this morning also weigh heavily upon the minds of the people."[/color] Mary said, looking around with sharp eyes. She was pulling her hooded, white robe on over her more ecclesiastical garments, covering the signs of her profession. The Swiss halberd would serve to give her away, though, to anybody who knew the origin of the weapon. She accepted the help of the more mature Russian standing beside her, Vladimir arraying the tough cloth over her shoulders so she would not have to set her weapon on the ground. The young apostolic gave Vladimir a warm smile as a quiet expression of gratitude. The act was not necessary, but it was delivered in a casual, genuinely helpful manner that was lacking in a city full of men preoccupied with the appearance of overly chivalric assistance, given to what they considered the "weaker sex". This was a nudge of help between peers. Mary appreciated it. It was around this time that the pair of them noticed the strikingly noticeable presence of Sister Lazarus. She did tend to stick out among this crowd, especially as the number of proficient English speakers seemed to be less than elsewhere nearby. Still, the sun never sets on the British Empire, or so they say, and a least parts of the language tended to travel the globe, at least enough for the occasional performer or workman to point in the general direction of Mary, Vladimir, and/or the imposing tent of the Baron Alexandrov. [color=firebrick]"This von is scary also. Not as [i]you[/i] are scary, Страшная католическая девушка[/color][sub]1[/sub][color=firebrick]. Is different. Eh... Maybe is something important?"[/color] [color=c0c0c0]"For Sister Lazarus to set foot in a [i]circus[/i], Master Alexandrov, I must assume that you are correct. However understand, when I speak your language with greater proficiency, we shall discuss "Scary", sir."[/color] It was at this moment that the two of them heard the accented voice of Sister Sophia call from Elizaveta's tent, "She's waking!" It was enough to make Mary stop short and turn to the source of the sound, torn between her concern for her friend and her possible obligations to he church as represented by the presence of Sister Lazarus. Sensing an ethical dilemma in the making, Vladimir took on a more commanding aspect to his voice and posture, straightened the tall, leather banded hat upon his head, and proclaimed, [color=firebrick]"Sister-Knight, you see to Church. I see to Veta and boy. Trust me, da? Come back vhen done. You are still Veta's guest, also now Baron's."[/color] Mary looked to the older man with a hint of apprehension. Should she be offended at being ordered about by him? This [i]was[/i] his place, after all. He held authority here, though he did not have it over her, specifically. She eyed the Russian for a second or two before deciding that he was, at least in this instance, fully worthy of her trust. Those she cared about inside of the tent were receiving proper care and attention, and specifically Mary was the object of Sister Lazarus's search. [color=c0c0c0]"Thank you, Master Alexandrov. I shall see you again shortly."[/color] The Great Bazhooli immediately returned to Elizaveta's tent, shooing away the unnecessary lookie-loos and returning order to the area in front of tent with well placed shouting and strategic waving of his arms, in the time honored tradition of histrionic, knife-throwing borderline maniacs going back generations. As he entered, he removed his hat with a flourish, bowed to the interesting and unusual sight in the bed, and remarked with gusto, [color=firebrick]"Is vith humility and pleasure that I, the unvorthy, look upon open eyes of Grand Duchess Romanova! You are sight of beauty unmatched, elegance in any circumstance. And is doing my heart good that you are vell."[/color] He took a knee and bowed again, forehead coming close to scraping the ground, seemingly not put off that she was sharing the bed with a 600 lb. tiger and a strange British child that usually followed Mary around. Once he stood, Vladimir noted with more sincere and casual tones, [color=firebrick]"The Sister Mary is here, but I am thinking you missed the brunching. How do you feel?"[/color] There was much to fill in, but first he needed to know that Elizaveta was alright. Meanwhile, Mary made her way over to Sister Lazarus. It was a rather easy task, what with the pointing and staring at a Nun in full habit in a place other wise without such an occurrence, with the exception of their own Sister Sophia. [color=c0c0c0]"Sister! It is an unexpected pleasure to see you out; is everything quite alright?"[/color] [hider=Translations] 1 - Scary Catholic Girl (Strashnaya Katolicheskaya Devushka) [/hider]