[hider=Fabian Gonzalez][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170509/1bff74afa75013e5d93ab47db0668f7d.png[/img][hr] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/1826c7157fdc0c3cc706cc6427a4707b756f16c3/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f496a434c307649506b58464938513d3d2d3237363636333133372e313435633231393530636134616362353437343436363533353733332e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] [h3][b]{[/b] "[i]If I were any calmer, I'd be levitating.[/i]" [b]}[/b][/h3][/center][hr][color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{N A M E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Fabian Alejandro Gonzalez.[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{N I C K N A M E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Fabian doesn't really like to associate nicknames with himself. He likes to be called by his name, Fabian, because he feels like when people give you a nickname, they'll forget your real name entirely.[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{B I R T H D A Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]October 1, 1993 // 10/01/1993.[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{A G E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]24 // Twenty-Four.[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{G E N D E R}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Male.[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{S E X U A L I T Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Openly Bisexual [sup]_[/sup] Likes both genders equally.[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Recently Single.[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{O C C U P A T I O N}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]While Fabian is an aspiring model, he works at a nearby Starbucks as a Cashier.[/indent][hr][color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{A P P E A R A N C E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Fabian's appearance is very unique towards anyone that is meeting him for the first time. But if you've known him for a little while then whatever he decides to do to his body and wear upon his body shouldn't be to any shock to you. Fabian likes to keep his frame very slender as he has an athletic, toned out body. He stands about six foot two inches tall with a weight of one hundred and fifty-nine pounds. Yes, he has a little bit of muscle but he is also a little bit scrawny, as well. Fabian's hair takes on a deep brown complexion in most light but in other amounts of lighting, his hair can appear to be almost black. He likes to keep his hair curled up like a little Afro, as well. Since he is mixed with African American and Hispanic, his skin complexion takes up a light skinned approach and his eyes are a pure hazelnut color. Fabian has an array of tattoos, one giant tattoo that is located on his right arm and it's nothing more than a bunch of roses. He also has a tattoo behind his left ear that is of a four leaf clover. Fabian only has three piercings and one of those is through his nose while the other two and within his earlobes. Fabian has a very casual style of dress, as well. He likes to wear t-shirts and baggy pants or cargo shorts along with a pair of Chuck Taylor's, which is about the only pairs of shoes he owns. Fabian also has an assortment of hats and bandanas that he’ll sometimes wear, too.[/indent][hr][color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{Q U I R K S // H A B I T S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][color=#A53C20]•[/color] When angered, Fabian will speak fluent Spanish. Sometimes he'll transition from Spanish to English, as well [color=#A53C20]•[/color] Fabian loves to raise his middle finger up towards people, whether it be random or because that person might've said something stupid or pissed him off [color=#A53C20]•[/color] Is a hand talker and is left handed [color=#A53C20]•[/color] Doodles on any piece of paper in front of him [color=#A53C20]•[/color] Likes to sing in the shower [color=#A53C20]•[/color][/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{H O B B I E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]The only hobby Fabian truly enjoys is [b]Gardening[/b]. Yes, he has many other hobbies such as [b]working out, playing most sports, creative writing and collecting comic books[/b]. But Gardening is really the hobby that fits Fabian best. He also enjoys [b]cooking and baking[/b].[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{L I K E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][color=#008800]✔[/color] The Outdoors [color=#008800]✔[/color] Nature, Sunny Days [color=#008800]✔[/color] Writing in his journal [color=#008800]✔[/color] Comic Books [color=#008800]✔[/color] Telling Jokes, Playing Pranks [color=#008800]✔[/color] Early Mornings [color=#008800]✔[/color] Cuddling [color=#008800]✔[/color] Video Games[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{D I S L I K E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][color=#800800]✘[/color] His emotions [color=#800800]✘[/color] One of his plants dying [color=#800800]✘[/color] Negative People [color=#800800]✘[/color] Body Odor, Anything that smells bad [color=#800800]✘[/color] Severe Thunderstorms [color=#800800]✘[/color] Rumors [color=#800800]✘[/color] Betrayal[/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{F E A R S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][color=#000000][b]☠[/b][/color] Failing [color=#000000][b]☠[/b][/color] Clowns [color=#000000][b]☠[/b][/color] Drowning [color=#000000][b]☠[/b][/color] Losing those close to him [color=#000000][b]☠[/b][/color][/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{S E C R E T S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][color=ff8000][b]►[/b][/color] His Sexuality [color=ff8000][b]◄[/b][/color] While Fabian is open about his sexuality towards his friends, towards his family not so much. He has tried constantly and even wanted to but hasn't overcame his fear quite yet. It's also something his friends does not even know about him.[/indent][hr] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{P E R S O N A L I T Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [center][h3][color=#A53C20][u] ❖ Calm ❖ Sarcastic ❖ Genuine ❖ Temperamental [/u][/color][/h3][/center] [indent]Calm, cool and collected are three words that really describe Fabian's personality, most of the time. He always says that if he was any calmer, he'd really be levitating right off of the ground and people that know him can vouch that statement. Fabian has a really calm and laid back personality, sometimes going with the flow and letting things fall into place as they are. He is a very genuine person that will always be honest with you - No matter what. Fabian does not like people that lie even when they know the truth about something. It's really something that irks Fabian's nerves to the core. He is always watching the people around him and his surroundings. His observant nature comes from his years of living in a rather rough neighborhood. Fabian has negative traits to his personality, just like any other human being. He is very straightforward towards just about anyone that crosses his path. He'll even tell someone something that they definitely do not want to hear. Fabian likes to be truthful towards everyone and being straightforward is really the way to be. One should be careful when it comes to sarcastic remarks being thrown towards Fabian because he is very quick on his feet when it comes to sarcasm. Fabian is definitely not the person to engage in a sarcastic battle with because you just might lose within a matter of seconds. He certainly has a slight temperament when it comes to certain situations and environments that he is in. You'll know whenever you made him mad when his top lip starts to twitch but when you make him sad, he'll grow silent and wants to be by himself. Overall, Fabian is a great person to be around and if you want befriend someone that tells you how it is then he is definitely your guy. [/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{P L A C E O F O R I G I N}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Albuquerque, New Mexico{Birth-10}, Dallas, Texas{10-16}, Manhattan, New York{16-now} [/indent] [color=#A53C20]|[u] [b]{H I S T O R Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]It was a beautiful Fall day whenever Fabian was born or that's what his mother, Janice, has always told him. His mother even mentioned the fact that his father was not there for his birth. But growing up, he still hardly seen his father and Fabian use to cry himself to sleep at night at the fact. Him and his mother lived in a pretty rough neighborhood within the state of New Mexico. There were practically fights breaking out every week or so along with gunshots being fired through the middle of the night. Again, Fabian use to cry himself to sleep and often of time climbed into his mother's bed and slept with her a couple of night. His mother would hold him tight and promise him a better life as he got older. It was when Fabian turned ten years of age that his mother fulfilled her promise and they moved away from their little but rough neighborhood and she got a job as a nurse at a nearby hospital thus leaving Fabian with certain babysitters. Fabian liked most of his babysitters but certainly not all and he would tell his mother which ones he liked and which ones he disliked all the time whenever she came back home. She seemingly loved how open and honest her son was becoming and admired that he learned that at such a young age. Though, Fabian does constantly ask about his father, as well - He at least wanted to know what he was like. On his thirteenth birthday, his father, Julian, appeared at his birthday party but Fabian did not really want anything to do with him. Fabian asked his father a few questions, which Julian could not answer so Fabian decided right then and there that he was done with him all entirely. Something he even mentioned to his mother after his party, as well. His mother said that she was done with him as well and let Fabian finish middle school within the Dallas before venturing off to Manhattan, where Fabian went to a Performing Arts Academy there. While he did not think that he was good enough, at times, some of his teachers and friends that he had made at the establishment told him otherwise. From regaining his confidence again, Fabian excelled through his classes and even had a few minor modeling gigs, too. After he graduated from the academy though, he met some group of friends that he would without a doubt remain friends with till this day. His mother approved of some of them but others, she did not approve of but were still courtesy towards them. Fabian honestly would not trade his friends for anything else in the world. When Fabian turned twenty and moved into his own apartment within mere miles from his mother in Manhattan and while he is still wanting to become a model, he currently works at Starbuck's as a Cashier. He's currently not doing anything too special with his life but alongside his friends, he's just trying to make it in New York.[/indent][hr][/hider]