[center][hr][h1][b][color=ff0000]▪[/color] I'ʟʟ [color=fff200]▪[/color] Bᴇ [color=00aeef]▪[/color] Tʜᴇʀᴇ [color=ff0000]▪[/color] Fᴏʀ [color=fff200]▪[/color] Yᴏᴜ [color=00aeef]▪[/color][/b][/h1][img]http://media.giphy.com/media/PVSAjz0nZnyYU/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@WolfLover] [@Ejected] [@Hero] [@Joker892] [@Helo] [@Lovely Complex][hr][/center][center]It was November 24th, a day just before the holiday known as Thanksgiving. Schools, whether it be elementary, intermediate, high or college, were out for the week, many people were off from their occupations for the day and if you're lucky for the whole entire week. Many relatives have flown in to see their families and friends for the week but the airports are closed tomorrow for the holiday. The leaves on the trees that lined up the path leading towards Central Park have turned an orange and slightly yellow tint as Fall was finally here and people were kind excited but did not expect the slight drizzle in the weather. The storm clouds were definitely rolling in to put a damper on another New York holiday but most individuals did not even let that stop them from visiting the shops for last minute preparations for the holiday meals and go outside for the annual family football game. It had just turned 11:30 in the afternoon so the streets, sidewalks and even most residences were getting a little bit of people trickling around despite the weather that was forming over the sky above them.[/center][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170509/1bff74afa75013e5d93ab47db0668f7d.png[/img][hr] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/6965233f81a112338c7a54325e9ebb7b/tumblr_oegdepi0lV1skawvvo3_500.gif[/img][hr][color=#A53C20][b][u]Location;[/u][/b][/color] ► Supermarket ► Outside ► His apartment ◄ [color=#A53C20][b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b][/color] [b][color=#006400]Jason[/color][/b] - {[@Helo]}, [color=#004b80][b]Layla[/b][/color] - {[@WolfLover]}, [color=#0fC0fC][b]J.D.[/b][/color] - {[@Lovely Complex]([b]Mentioned[/b])[/center][hr] [indent][indent]Fabian pushed his shopping cart onto the next aisle over and paused as he pulled out his shopping list from his pants pocket and scrolled his eyes over it. He mentally checked off items that were already placed inside of his shopping cart then noticed that he had forgot an important ingredient that he needed, which was Cranberry Sauce. With a groan, Fabian left his shopping cart unattended and went onto the opposite aisle to go and get the item that he needed then returned to place the can inside of the cart then started to push it again with the list still in his hand. Every cashier was very busy as he stood in line after one lady that seemed like she was feeding a whole entire football team. Another groan but this one was soft came from him as he decided to take the time to send a text message towards one of his roommates, Jason. [center][b][color=#006400]To: Jason :)[/color][/b] [color=#A53C20][b]Dude. Do not touch any of that food in the fridge! I know you! Is JD up yet?[/b][/color][/center] Fabian sent that message with a hint of laughter coming from him as he looked up for a moment and seen the woman before him had finally finished and were placing her bags inside of her cart now. He could not help but think that Jason was going to dig around and eat some of the food that he already prepared for their Thanksgiving meal, which Fabian invited all of their friends over for via social media. He had hoped to himself that everyone could come because if not, himself, Jason and their other roommate, JD, was going to be set for the rest of the year with food. As he placed his final item onto the counter for the cashier to scan, his eyes went down towards the screen in front of him as the price was rising up by every scan. When she scanned the last item, it went up a couple more dollars and she hit a few more keys on the register then turned towards Fabian with a bright smile. [b]"Your total is $76.05."[/b] Fabian took his card and swiped it as he prayed to just about everyone all holy that it would go through. Indeed, it did and he was very relieved as the cashier handed him his receipt and wished him a Happy Thanksgiving. Whenever he walked outside, he could not help but roll his eyes as he felt slight pellets of rain upon his skin. He went over towards his vehicle, which was a 2006 Nissan Maxima, blue in color and started to place the bags inside of the trunk. Fabian closed his trunk whenever he placed the last bag inside then moved his shopping cart to the desired pickup area then got inside of his vehicle, strapping on his seat belt immediately. After he started up his engine, he pulled out his cell phone and sent a text towards Layla. [center][b][color=#004B80]To: Layla :D[/color][/b] [color=#A53C20][b]Think you can go over to my apartment and make sure Jason doesn't eat up everything. Pretty please, sis? I'll be there shortly.[/b][/color][/center] No, himself and Layla weren't siblings for real but they were close enough as to where they might as well have been. Fabian considered himself as a big brother towards Layla as he put his cell phone into the cup holder then started to exit the supermarket's parking lot. At a traffic stoplight, he posted on his Facebook once again that he was cooking Thanksgiving food and that all of his friends were invited. After he did that, he was on his way back towards his apartment, which was normally a fifteen minute drive but now that there was traffic, it was going to take him a little bit longer than usual.[/indent][/indent]