[center][img]https://static.tumblr.com/878eb123ba3b799bc73f0347e4eaef44/3n7l3tv/06ioogu2f/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_8kit9g2tfhc0owc88000gwk84_640.gif[/img][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgUxvwHEQj8[/youtube][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Loki Laufeyson [b]Alias:[/b] Loki Odinson, God of Mischief, Lord of All Deceivers, Master of Magic, Prince of Lies, Snake, God of Discord, Bringer of Chaos, King of Serpents, Trickster, Liesmith. [b]Relatives:[/b] - Laufey (biological father; deceased) - Farbauti (biological mother; deceased) - Byleistr (biological older brother; deceased) - Helblindi (biological older brother; deceased) - Lochila (biological "younger" twin-sister) - Buri (adoptive great-grandfather; deceased) - Bor (adoptive grandfather; deceased) - Bestla (adoptive grandmother; deceased) - Odin (adoptive father; deceased) - Frigga (adoptive mother; deceased) - Hela (adoptive older sister) - Aldrif (adoptive older sister) - Thor (adoptive older brother) - Tyr (adoptive older brother) - Balder (adoptive younger brother) - Torunn (adoptive niece) - Sif (sister-in-law) - Nánna (sister-in-law; deceased) [b]Race (human or god):[/b] God (Frost Giant). [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single. [b]Faction (hero, villain, or neutral):[/b] Chaotic Neutral (Asgardians, in the end). [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Daggers, Sorcery, Whip, Spears. [b]Gender:[/b] Fluid. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual. [b]Height:[/b] 6' 2". [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue-Green. [b]Powers/Abilities/Skills:[/b] * Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Reflexes, Durability, Stamina, and Longevity. * Regenerative Healing Factor. * Cold Immunity/Cryokinesis. * Charismatic Intuition. * Arcane Lore Expert. * Expert Combatant. * Master Tactician. * Expert Marksman. * Expert Pilot. * Multilingualism. [i]- Sorcery[/i] * Object Conjuration. * Magical Energy Projection/Manipulation/Detection. * Illusion Manipulation/Shapeshifting. * Hypnosis/Mental Manipulation. * Astral Projection. * Telepathic Communication/Psychic Immunity (with Lochila). * Presence Concealment/Invisibility. * Telekinesis. [b]Personality:[/b] A born-trickster, Loki is a cunning, ever-scheming individual; the Deity of Mischief, he revels in chaos and disharmony, with a great reputation to cause all sorts of trouble - from messing with people's lives, to even leading them to their inevitable deaths. Compared to his siblings, Loki always seemed serene, though in truth, has the mind of a cold, calculating sociopath, who constantly formulates machinations, in order to achieve the power and respect he believes to deserve. With his charisma, genius intellect, and mastery in the mystical arts, Loki is easily, on a dangerous level, one of the most-untrustworthy beings in existence; universally-known for his duplicitous nature, he will not hesitate to deceive and manipulate his victims with his magic and words, whether for self-amusement and/or to further his own agenda. Like most gods, Loki views himself above the humans; in addition to his overconfidence, he holds the constant flaw of being arrogant, narcissistic, and self-entitled. Before his imprisonment, Loki supposedly cared for his fellow siblings but, with his twin sister as an exception, he long-harbored feelings of jealousy towards them, growing up, due to being in their shadow. Having to be raised by Odin, believing himself to be an actual prince of Asgard, and so-genuinely thinking he could be viewed as a worthy king, it was after he discovered himself being a Frost Giant, a race of whom the Asgardians were taught to fear and hate, that Loki felt alienated, ashamed, and betrayed, as someone with that sort of biology would never be accepted to sit on such a high throne. Believing this as the reason for being Odin’s least-favorite, Loki developed a deep hate for his adoptive family, having to do anything to humiliate, defeat, or (rarely) hurt them, in order to prove he's their equal; if not, their better, often going as far as to turn them against each other. Since then, after centuries of built-up resentment, his compassion and true emotions have significantly turned dull. However, despite his ever-growing hatred, Loki seems to hold some degree of love for them, deep-down, often going out of his way, and show a more caring, selfless side, behind his arrogance and great power. [b]Portrayed By:[/b] Tom Hiddleston (English Actor, Producer & Ambassador).