[center][img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/6c4447b3-e713-4f86-8d00-9b9468c14e65/649e760a-81d4-457e-b38e-cae14bafb759.gif[/img][youtube]https://youtu.be/L8WnJvT8qAQ[/youtube][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lochila Laufeysdottir [b]Alias:[/b] Lochila Odinsdottir, Madame Trickster, Goddess of Mischief, Lady Discord, Witch. [b]Relatives:[/b] - Laufey (biological father; deceased) - Farbauti (biological mother; deceased) - Byleistr (biological older brother; deceased) - Helblindi (biological older brother; deceased) - Loki (biological older twin-brother) - Buri (adoptive great-grandfather; deceased) - Bor (adoptive grandfather; deceased) - Bestla (adoptive grandmother; deceased) - Odin (adoptive father; deceased) - Frigga (adoptive mother; deceased) - Hela (adoptive older sister) - Aldrif (adoptive older sister) - Thor (adoptive older brother) - Tyr (adoptive older brother) - Balder (adoptive younger brother) - Torunn (adoptive niece) - Sif (sister-in-law) - Sigyn (sister-in-law) - Nanna (sister-in-law; deceased) [b]Race (human or god):[/b] God (Frost Giant). [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single. [b]Faction (hero, villain, or neutral):[/b] Redeemed Villain (Asgardians). [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Daggers, Sorcery, Whip. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual. [b]Height:[/b] 5' 8” [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue-Green. [b]Powers/Abilities/Skills:[/b] * Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Reflexes, Durability, Stamina, and Longevity. * Regenerative Healing Factor. * Cold Immunity/Cryokinesis. * Charismatic Intuition. * Arcane Lore Expert. * Expert Combatant. * Expert Marksman. * Expert Pilot. * Multilingualism. [i]- Sorcery[/i] * Object Conjuration. * Magical Energy Projection/Manipulation/Detection. * Illusion Manipulation/Shapeshifting. * Hypnosis/Mental Manipulation. * Astral Projection. * Telepathic Communication/Psychic Immunity (with Loki). * Presence Concealment/Invisibility. * Telekinesis. [b]Personality:[/b] Having to be related to Loki, one would think that the personality of Lochila is shared with him: Thoughtful, farseeing, and calculating. However, they are not one and the same; rather than an ambitious schemer, Lochila is genuinely-gentle, playful, and a harmless deity, who represents the light and good sides of a trickster, before becoming corrupted by her mercurial twin's more-malicious and sinister aspect. Having to be the most-sensitive and fragile, Lochila was very-much submissive and dependent, growing up; as Loki was the most-experienced, he helped her study magic, agree with everything he says, and constantly bring her along in his many conquests. Because of this, Lochila's previous affections for her other siblings were transferred solely to her twin, resulting great hesitation to even question or reject his intentions. Lochila is considered to be one of the most beautiful of individuals, rivaled with sorceress sisters Amora and Loralei, the huntress Aldrif, and Lady Sif of War. Having to be one of the fairest, she has caught the attention of many, to the point where her siblings have developed a soft spot for her. Even though this was only a natural strength, she is deceivingly yet surprisingly-capable; despite her pacifistic nature, Lochila holds very shrewd yet assertive mind and, having to be competent and clever with her magic, she proves to be an incredible foe for those who challenge her. Unlike her brother, Lochila is not one to develop any sort of resentment or hatred. Even after she found herself being a Frost Giant, she didn't seem to have it in her, until Loki managed to convince her that they were trophies of Odin, leading her to develop very strong feelings of rage and confusion. After being sentenced to watch her adoptive niece Torunn, however, Lochila began to transform back into the woman she used to be before her corruption, leading her to develop a genuine love for her as an independent mother-figure. [b]Portrayed By:[/b] Katie McGrath (Irish Actress & Model).