[b]“And don't you worry bud-My big sis told me that this house isn't really haunted. Heck, she actually said when she was our age she even knew the family that lived there.”[/b] James looked at Max. [b]“Besides, if there is a bear in there I'll punch em right in his big furry snout!”[/b] James laughed when Max almost comically crashed. "Yeah, you're probably right. These guys might just jump out and try and get us to scream." James went silent. "The only problem is, I probably will. After all, I am the Germ, right?" The nickname had originated after his constant germophobia in elementary and middle. To be fair, he must have been annoying, constantly saying: "Do you know how many germs are on that?" Or "You're gonna catch something!" . However, the volume people used it in bothered him to an extent that he had never been bothered to before. For a week or two in elementary, he faked sick just to avoid the insults and the teasing. However, once he met Max, he began to stop caring. Max had a way of looking at things. Like it was all just a big adventure. And when James started hanging out with Max, he started to feel that way as well. After a senior named Molly informed them it was fake, he felt a bit better about the 'haunted' house. When Max nudged him with his elbow, he looked up. "OH yeah, we don't need anybody!" He said, trying to make himself as nonchalant as possible and miserably failing. He looked to Max. "Alright...Let's do this. Can't be that bad, right?" James took a deep puff from his inhaler, then walked into the belly of the beast. After the Molly's warning, he didn't react much to the door slamming, with only a slight jump. "Max? Maybe we should just find the closest exit? The party will probably be lame anyways! We can just go to the arcade! Maybe I'll beat Goro!" He pleaded with his friend, before falling silent after looking around the mansion's interior. The graffiti and busted furniture didn't catch his attention, no, the corn shucks and footprints did. He almost immediately went into 'puzzle mode'. "These footprints are recent. As are these." He said while gesturing to the footprints and corn shucks. "Alright, this is starting to freak me out Max!" He said, his breathing quickening. As long as James had been alive, he had asthma attacks. Eventually they became routine for him and his parents, but they didn't fail to make him panic from time to time. "Max. I'm having," He wheezed. "An asthma attack." He pulled out his inhaler. "Son of a bitch!" He yelled after it fell between his shaking fingers. He bent down and picked it up, and took a deep breath. "Holy shit. Holy shit." He said as his lungs started to clear, cradling his inhaler like the holy grail.