[@Scout][@lovejoy] Ziotea is only half, but I was going with the redhead association for fire, to emphasize a heritage she feels no attachment to, and to give her a very small (get it?) reason that others might be wary of one so small without knowing her. Plus insecurities ho! Mostly because i liked the idea, though. ^.^ *sheepiish* She's not Irish pale, and she tans nicely, but there's not that much reason to be baring a lot of skin in a frozen land, y'know? Were this Florida or even Illinois I'd describe her as tanned, possibly heavily tanned. I definitely like the Jewish/Israeli concept. I may be strongly biased on this matter. I don't care. ^.^; The Omestrians would probably accept anyone with "tainted" ether, and possibly those who just didnt want to live where thwy were, and over the generations that would turn them into a melting pot, most definitely. It's funny because there's a Jewish symbol (although not exclusively so) called a hamsa hand, and it represents to some extent protection from evil -- but it's also a hand, like the fragment that formed the omestrians! Might be worth incorporating into the ruins, perhaps? And perhaps if T'sarae, the other unaggressive nation, is middle eastern culture...I could seeing them having a number of shared underlying traditions. Maybe?