[color=8882be][h3][center]~Arletta Dupain~[/center][/h3][/color] [@PaulHaynek] [hr] [color=8882be]"Eep!"[/color] Arletta was not ready for the sudden lift-off. Not that she was afraid of heights or anything, nope. Not at all. More importantly though, the view from up here was amazing. Perhaps she should have tried flying earlier. Hopefully the flight to Ravager's rest would be a calm one. Valarie was a good flier, at least. Comfortable too...gah, no, Arletta. Bad thoughts. Thankfully, they arrived at the fort fairly quickly, enough to distract her mind from wandering. The fort itself had seen much better times, but still defensible. It was built right into the mountain, which would make any large force attacking it difficult. Valerie went on to explain further - which only made her heart heavy and some not-so nice thoughts about what she was going to do to these bandits surface. She had half a mind to tell Valarie to drop them in right now so she could get a surprise attack on them. Now that she thought about it though, perhaps flying would've been a bad idea - they would at least, be easily seen from the ground to anyone smart enough to look up. Which...was quickly proven to be a correct assumption. The fireball rocket towards them, Valarie swiftly maneuvering them out of the way but to no avail. The resulting shockwave of the explosion rocked her senses, throwing her off balance and [i]nearly[/i] causing her head to pop off, but she managed to keep it on. She had been expecting to either not wake up or wake up strung up in a tree somewhere but thankfully it seemed Valarie was good at her job. [color=8882be]"OOf...I'm fine. Not my first time almost eating a fireball."[/color] She brought a hand to her head and another to her neck as she adjusted her now lop-sided head. She didn't have time to react before the horsemen was upon them - and one leapt off of his horse, tackling her and placing his hands around her neck. [i]really bad move[/i] There was a comical popping noise as Arletta's head popped off the rest of her body, rolling a few feet away as the mans hands were now likely grasping nothing but air, or rather wisps of demonic energy that was now spilling from her neck. The reaction afterwards, was almost instant. One of her hands moved up, grabbing the horns of his helmet and yanking it swiftly off before wrapping a free hand around his neck and [i]squeezed[/i]. Her other hand drew the sword at her side, and whacked him on the side of the head with it with the broadside of the blade. If the act worked to free her from the grapple, Arletta's body would leap back up and face their assailants, taking a rather aggressive and somewhat...playful? Seeming stance. Regardless of rather it worked or not - something rather odd happened, or rather was heard. [color=8882be]"Ah-Bollocks I lost...!"[/color] A voice that was definitely Arletta's shouted...but it was different. It was much less calm sounding than her usual manner. [color=8882be]"Ye gobshite's are a right buncha idiots, aren't ya?"[/color] Yeah a [i]lot[/i] different - where exactly was that accent from? [color=8882be]"'Aright then ya gowls, lets see if ye can show this girl a good time! Try 'n make this entertaining!"[/color] She seemed ready for a fight, at least. Someone may want to put her head back on before the situation escalates.