Kristanya propelled herself forward as fast as she could. The sand gave way beneath her feet making progress slower than she had hoped. All she needed was to make it to the market then she could disappear. What she lacked in height or weight she made up for in speed. Closer now she could see the stalls of merchants, placed in no particular order, but organized enough to leave pathways. With her feet now on the packed ground she was able to pick up speed. Risking a quick glance behind her she could see the two men gaining on her. “Get back here you little brat! Just wait till we get a hold of you!” they threatened. In front of her was some commotion and turning her head forward once again Kristanya could see that there were two people moving a big heavy piece of furniture to their cart. With no time to maneuver around she picked up speed ducked low with one leg forward and she slid beneath the sofa. She made it clear to the other side, but strangers began to look at her and murmur amongst themselves. Kristanya coughed from the cloud of dust and just kept on going. Around a corner and up a wall she finally lost the men that were after her. The reward was greater this time, though she knew it may cost here; they wouldn’t give up search so easily. With that in mind she pulled the black hood over her auburn hair and tucked the braid back in. She blended into the crowd well like this, the only thing that would make her stick out was that her skin was paler than the rest. She’s what they would call mixed so Kristanya kept wraps around her legs and arms. She even wore fingerless gloves. She needed to keep her fingers free to work, but knew her birthmark must remain covered on her hand. Making sure her treasure was secured safely in her tan pouch she nimbly jumped from the rooftop to the next. For her it was easy to get around, she knew all the nooks and cranny of this town. She did grow up here, though she didn’t exactly have a home. The sun was just past the middle of the sky when Kristanya could see her makeshift house ahead. One last stop, she thought to herself as she swung down a clothes line and dropping the little bit of distance to the ground. It was a light thud, but she waited a moment before she reached over a crate and grabbed the fruit within. The pear was ripe, and when she bit into it the juices wet her dry throat, giving some relief grom the dust that made its way there before. Think I’ll take a nap next, and without being seen made her way into a back alley and on her way.