[@Flightless_Soul] [img]http://www.arcade-fighter.com/images/retratos/under-night-in-birth-exe-late/uniel-hilda.png[/img] [color=gray][h1][b]HILDA WRIGHT[/b][/h1][/color][h3]Lady of the Void[/h3] [b]Hilda:[/b] [i]She'd smile, enjoying the fact that for the first time in a long time, she was wrong about someone. She'd tap the cig holder, knocking the accumulated ash off the end of it. [/i] [color=gold]"I've made a couple of deals with vampires before. Believe it or not, being on the run is a common issue among our kind. A simple solution to it would be to simply crush the hunters. And, of course... to do that, you need a force stronger than theirs. From where I'm sitting, it look like all you might have is a few other vampires and a dirty rag."[/color] [i]Hilda lets out a haughty laugh, holding her hand in front of her mouth.[/i] [color=gold]"Of course... that part can be fixed."[/color]