[@Scout] hush, you'll make me blush! >.< [@Lovejoy] ooh, if they'd been gone for a while, iunno. *shrugs* but yeah, what all we have sounds good. Ooh, I like both new chars! And is that Alan Walker art I see? Very nice, very nice! For Magnus, the shattered humerus would probably mean he limps, or has some other difficulty walking. And the depressed skull fracture could cause all sorts of interesting brain injuries and the like. I noticed Stina doesn't speak as clearly as he should, for example (which is brilliant, [@the angry goat]) so that's one way of doing it, but such injuries can also cause personality shift and so on. I don't imagine he was ever scared of anyone, being so skilled and so clever. Underneath that hatred is probably at least a hintm of insecurity, and perhaps even fear -- not that he'd ever acknowledge it. It took him a long time to remaster walking g and talking and other physical activities. Even now the might not be as automatic as they should be -- maybe sometimes he has trouble remembering how to do a thing, just for a moment, before he remembers how. This would be especially interesting if he had memory issues initially, because he was so clever, and he knows he knows the information, but his brain just wouldn't cooperate! I doubt the lapses are significant now, just enough to remind him of what he lost and who's responsible. Dear gods, though, if Ziotea crippled the guy then everyone else probably had to take a second look at her. Sure she was unpredictable and possibly dangerous, but that's /really/ dangerous, to beat such an exceptional individual. ...or maybe she's a hero, because she didn't let him win and have him a taste of his own medicine? Hmmm. Views are probably mixed on that. And the stories of how it went down doubtless grew with the telling....