[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171107/e1dfa47ef60f039f9ed7e6c8f7aa373f.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=forestgreen]"You alright, kid?"[/color] A voice. Nee snapped out of her cold and fatigue induced stupor and looked towards the sound. It was a woman. A friendly looking one. She was about the same height and weight as Nee, although she looked considerably warmer. Nee smiled and nodded at the newcomer. How did Neaera miss her? She must have been too caught up in her disappointment. It was the second night with no sign of the Saints at all. Nee didn't even know what she was looking for in all honesty. Her searching was more like aimless wandering and her mother saw fit to let her know every time she came home. However Nee was not one to get discouraged, after all what kind of hero would she be if she gave up after two nights of no leads? A bad one, that's what kind. [colour=FFD700]"Yes, I think I am. Just a little cold is all."[/colour] A few moments passed. Nee picked at the burnt sleeves of her jacket, and watched as ashen cloth floated on the chilly wind that swept through the deserted street. [color=forestgreen]”Red Harbor’s not the safest this time of night. What’s got you out here this late?”[/color] A pause, and Acheri gave a friendly smile. [color=forestgreen]”Doesn’t really matter, I suppose. Would you mind if stayed until you got on the bus? Don't like leaving people alone in this part of town.”[/color] Neaera nodded again. [colour=FFD700]"Yes, that is alright with me. Actually, I was looking for something... but I'm not really sure what it is."[/colour] As soon as she said it Nee realised how strange that sounded. It was the truth however, and she hoped this lady didn't think she was too crazy.