[center][h1][color=a187be]Ailanthus_Altissima[/color][/h1]• Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •[/center][hr] Ochre's proximity helped Tessa to calm down a bit. Yet as Rael and Graves, and even Redsky spoke up, Tessa's mind started going a hundred miles per minute as her clumsy thoughts tripped over themselves. If anything, she much preferred the other option Graves had put out; to entrench themselves here, fortify up, and wait for a solution. [quote=@Superboy] [color=red]"Alright everybody. Back in formation, we're moving. Orchid!"[/color] Graves shot a serious look at the man. [color=red]"You and 2Chainz watch our midsection. Keep your eyes peeled for any ambushes from above or below,[i] got it this time[/i]?"[/color] [/quote] [color=a187be]"WAIT!..."[/color] Tessa said louder, and with more assertiveness than she expected, [color=a187be]"This is suicide. We should stay here, by this gate. At least we'll have our backs to the wall. We can create a chokepoint and wait for the GM's to get their shit together. Sure, they can't log us out right now, but surely they'll think of other solutions to get us all to the safety of the town. Like, they could send us all teleport scrolls or something. It might be coming in a few minutes..."[/color] This last part she said with very little confidence. Pariah was a game that went for immersion, so quick-travel options were little to none. And one did not simply access their mail from a menu, needing instead to physically go to an in-game posthouse to collect things such as log-in rewards or special event items. yet surely these services were implemented, just never used. Surely the GMs would be willing to break the rules of immersion to provide them with just such a solution to get out of danger. After all, the GM announcer had broken character pretty hard. She could feel her mana slowly draining as she maintained her defensive auras. She was nowhere near having spent even an tenth of her mana, yet she was fingering a mana potion apprehensively, prepared to chug it down before she hit empty. Her eyes darted around at the other party members looking for validation. She also looked for signs of hostility, in case anyone decided to go ape-shit on them. In fact, she was certain she could see some signs...