Robert sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, laughing a bit. "She is doing fine, she's doing fine. As well as her pokemon too." He said while taking few steps forward. Hearing this new trainer snapping at him for being late. Which Robert just shrugged his shoulders, with Petilil hopping her way over in timing with the boy. Smiling up towards the professor. "As for my name, its Robert arma." He stated towards the boy without really looking at him. Not rudely but in hopes, of keeping the playful Dratini from jumping at the boy and scaring him. He then faces at Oak with a bright smile, "So how are things going Professor? I heard from you recent news interview, that you might've discovered?" He asked while resting a hand onto his side, with Petilil just blinking her orange eyes looking around at the many book shelves, computers and furniture in the place.