[hr] The crunch of gravel under heavy tires whispered through the trees. Boots hit the ground outside the cinder-block and corrugated steel building that had once been a warehouse. A chilled whisper of wind crept through the leaves, causing the intrepid news crew to pause. For weeks now, they had received tip after tip, from various anonymous sources all over Remnant, about strange activity. Most of it varied from person to person, but it all lead them here. The majority of these reports, however, had suggested strange Grimm activity spikes in odd places, and this abandoned storehouse was one that was named in particular. It had been quite the trek from Vale- the crew had needed special clearance from the police to go this far, and one had been required to come with them. A tense silence had accompanied their ride, and as they neared the building, a single voice broke that silence. "[i]Call a Huntsman![/i]" [hr] The sound of a hammer striking metal swayed comfortable around the worn wooden walls of Core's Hammer. A burly man with bare arms removed his goggles as he quenched a blade, before striding back into the shop. Dropping his gloves at the counter, the man plucked a white cloth apron from a shelf and tossed it over the rugged leather one he wore. Taking his place at the store's front, he looked out expectantly over the open street as the noon sun began to creep higher into the sky.