[hider=Oh my god it's Barry All--][center][h1][color=f43e3e][b]⚡️ T H E F L A S H ⚡️[/b][/color][/h1][h3][sup][sup][color=darkgray]W A L L A C E R U D O L P H “ W A L L Y ” W E S T [color=f43e3e]♦[/color] 2 6 [color=f43e3e]♦[/color] M A L E [color=f43e3e]♦[/color] H E R O[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JSie8Cv.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][sup][sub][h3][color=f43e3e][b]⚡️ C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T ⚡️[/b][/color][/h3][/sub][/sup][/center][hr] [color=darkgray][indent]I just want to write Wally as a Justice Leaguing, ass-kicking Flash. Barry’s been dead for six years, and Wally’s been the Flash for about that long. He helps Aunt Iris with her twins, Don and Dawn, and his cousin, [url=http://geekleagueofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/3793807-screen+shot+2014-04-30+at+12.31.29+pm.jpg]Wally Joseph[/url], all while wondering to himself when he should pop the question to Linda. The Rogues are a pain, the Reverse Flashes are a seemingly far away nightmare, and Dick and Peter are just a phone call away should Wally ever need any help. And it goes without saying that despite his impulsivity, Bart’s a good kid, and a partner that Wally’s glad to have. In short, whereas with Peter I have a clear story in mind, with Wally I want to have a bit more freeform fun. While Spidey’s still accessible for Crossovers and Crisis events, Wally’s pretty much exclusively here for that stuff. That’s not to say that I don’t have any themes or character arcs that I want to explore – legacy’s a big one, and there’s a chance that I might get weird with the paradoxical nature of speedsters and all that fun stuff later on. As such, Wally’s Chapters aren’t so much story arcs, but the character arcs he experiences through Crossovers and the game’s other events. So yeah. Wally West as the Flash.[/indent][/color] [hr][center][sup][sub][h3][color=f43e3e][b]⚡️ N O T E S ⚡️[/b][/color][/h3][/sub][/sup][/center][hr] [color=darkgray][indent]See the [b][color=f43e3e][i]WEST FAMILY TREE[/i][/color][/b] for clarification and migraine cures. [b][color=f43e3e][i]EVENTS[/i][/color][/b] [hider=][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][b]Crisis |[/b] In 2011, Wally’s mentor and uncle, Barry Allen, seemingly died while containing a particle accelerator explosion as triggered by Eobard Thawne – ripping a hole in the fabric of reality and opening a rift into the Bleed – the arterial wall of the multiverse. He left behind his wife and infant twins, Don and Dawn. [/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/hider] [b][color=f43e3e][i]ALLIES AND FRIENDS[/i][/color][/b] [hider=][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][b]Iris Ann West-Allen |[/b] Known to Wally as Aunt Iris, she’s been a mother to him ever since he was a kid, spending time with him when his parents neglected him. A successful and well-known journalist, much of her prosperity is owed to her investigative and civics pieces – as a prominent voice in Central City, she’s one of its most publicly known citizens, almost (but not quite) as well known as Metropolis’ Lois Lane. She currently juggles raising her youngest nephew and her and Barry’s twins with her journalism. It’s exhausting. [b]Don and Dawn Allen |[/b] The children of Iris and the late Barry Allen, Don and Dawn are now six years old. [b]Linda Park |[/b] Wally’s girlfriend of five years, Linda works as a reporter for WKEY Channel 4 News. She is well aware of his activities as the Flash. [b]Bart Allen // Kid Flash[/b] [b]Joseph “Joe” West |[/b] Wallace West’s second son, the result of a drunken affair with an African American woman. Raised by Wallace and his wife, Joe was treated as if he was truly the product of their marriage, given as much love and care as his half-brother, William. At the age of forty, Joe took in his brother and his niece, Iris, after the former was crippled by his youngest child, Daniel. Daniel had run away after the incident. Joe is a captain at the CCPD, and was a good friend and ally to Barry. He supports Wally as the Flash, proud of the path his great-nephew is taking. [b]Wallace Joseph “Wally Joseph” “Joey” West |[/b] The product of a teen fling, [url= http://geekleagueofamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/3793807-screen+shot+2014-04-30+at+12.31.29+pm.jpg]Wally Joseph[/url] was named after his great grandfather, Wallace, and great uncle, Joe – Daniel West’s idea of thanking Joe for taking Iris in after he crippled their father. At fifteen, Joey is in Iris (and Wally’s) care, as Daniel is an absentee father/supervillain and therefore not a suitable caretaker for his son. [b]Jason “Jay” Garrick // The Flash (I) |[/b] The original Flash, Jay’s connection to the Speed Force has allowed him to live far longer than his beloved wife, Joan. Having lived through more than anyone besides Steve Rogers, he’s a ninety-nine year-old source of boundless wisdom, making it through World War Two, Vietnam, and the rise of metahumanity, as well as helping found the Justice Society – and he only looks like he’s in his early sixties. Wally’s personal hero since childhood, he’s always there when the young West needs some guidance. [b]Dick Grayson // Nightwing |[/b] Wally’s best friend since he first started out as Kid Flash. Up for discussion. [b]Peter Parker // Spider-Man |[/b] Wally’s other best friend since he first started out with the Teen Titans. [b]Roy Harper // Arsenal |[/b] Wally’s [i]other[/i] other best friend since he started out with the Teen Titans. [b]Jonathan “Johnny” Storm // Human Torch |[/b] Wally’s [b]other[/b] [i]other[/i] other best friend since Peter introduced Johnny to his Titans gang. They’re all just a gaggle of besties. [b]Kara-El // Supergirl |[/b] A founding member of the Teen Titans, Kara is a good friend to Wally and reliable ally. [/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/hider] [b][color=f43e3e][i]ENEMIES[/i][/color][/b] [hider=][indent][indent][indent][b]Eobard Thawne // Reverse Flash (I)[/b] [b]Hunter Zolomon // Zoom[/b] [b]Daniel West // Reverse Flash (II)[/b] [b]Thaddeus “Tad” Thawne // Inertia[/b] [b]Pietro Maximoff // Quicksilver[/b] [b]The Rogues[/b] [b]Grodd[/b] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [b][color=f43e3e][i]THE WEST FAMILY TREE[/i][/color][/b] [hider=][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5RTsGGa.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [/indent][/color][/hider]