Trex smiled at Zelia's comment on seeing where he came from. It might not be much but it was home. And not counting the short phase that he went through on hating the place, he had loved it. Despite that, however, he wasn't going to move back. At least not for a long time if ever. He was a wizard, not a farmer. His brothers would take care of the farm and the animals and he would travel around the world keeping people safe. Still...He was glad to be able to go back and visit. He hadn't been home in several years now. They would have to stop in Magnolia before heading to his parents as he had a few gifts he wanted to get them. He glanced over at Zelia when she started up the game again. Shaking his head, he couldn't displace the smile on his face. "And you say I cheat." He declared, eyes twinkling. He nodded to the slate. "Do you think Skye and Flynn will want to head to the country?" He inquired. He didn't know much about their finances but considering they hadn't been making a lot on the latest quests due to looking more for keys then taking jobs, he wondered if they would rather get another job and earn a bit more in case they hear about the next key. Either that, or Flynn and Skye might go looking for another key. Suddenly frowning, Trex held up a finger cutting Zelia off mid-stream. "Did you hear that?" He asked listening. There it was again. It was almost like a pitiful cry. Hearing some children laugh, Trex tossed the reins to Zelia and jumped down from the still rolling wagon. Heading toward the sound, his fist tightened. If it was what he thought it was he wasn't going to be very happy. Heading into the first ally he spotted the trouble. Two adolescent boys were tormenting a little cat/frog creature by a barrel of water. Holding the creature by its foot, one boy would dunk it under water while the other boy poked it with a stick. From where he stood, Trex saw that the cat/frog creature's front paws were bound tightly by a string and it didn't look good. It struggled and tried to escape but couldn't. Taking a stance Trex sent a wood root up splitting the barrel in half draining the water. Both boys glanced his way. Before either could speak, both found themselves knocked backwards by wooden branches. Dropping the creature they took off not daring to look back. Ignoring them, Trex went over and broke the string. Upon closer examination he noticed it was a cat in a frog like outfit. Kids. His jaw clenched. Sure, someone might think that being a male, his brothers and him would have done something like this when they were younger but that was not the case. They had always treated animals right. It was breed in them. Not sure how to get the custom or whatever it was off, Trex set the cat down. "There you are." He told it. "I would be a bit careful around young kids." He noted, though he knew it probably wasn't its fault and that it would undoubtedly be a lot more careful now. Turning, he nearly jumped when the creature spoke. Turning around, he looked back at it. It was an exceed. He was an idiot. He didn't even spot it, not thinking that one of those noble creatures would be ensnared. "My apologies, little one." He said. "I mistook you for a cat. Are you alright?" He inquired. ~~~~~~~ Keeping her expression the same, Skye was glad when Flynn turned to fix the lines on the Pai Sho game. Did he not realize that she knew what powers Ryzo and Tye had? After so many years with them she better know them. However, she was glad he either didn't know or forgot. Ryzo's magic would be easy. She could explain it. But Tye... She contained a shudder. Quickly turning her expression back to neutral right before Flynn glanced up, she nodded at his suggestion to play another game. "Sure." She said getting off the bench and sitting cross legged on the floor. Unstrapping the sword, she set it aside so it wouldn't be in her way when she played. Shuffling the tiles she pulled dealt them. Spotting the white lotus in her pile she set it aside and drew again. She wondered how long it would take before running across it. "We don't need to play with it." She explained catching Flynn's look. "It's a bit complicated to use and only a handful of individuals, mainly masters." Masters and a few others. Eldar had told her once about an organization that used it. They aided each other and any who knew the secret. Which, he taught her. However, after he had died and even after she came to Fiore she had yet to find anyone who knew how to play with the white lotus, let alone know the secret method. Maybe when Flynn got better she would teach it to him. Then at least she wouldn't be the only one who knew if it worked. Still, whenever she found someone to play, which wasn't often, she would try it only to get surprised looks at her "antiquated" way. She placed her piece down. Thinking about it got her wondering. She looked up at Flynn. "You know, as we are in the Capitol we could go to the Great Wizard Library and see if it has anything on the keys." She informed him, referring to the enormous library accessible only by light guild members. Next to the Council, it was probably the most guarded building in the land. Now that she was a member of Fairy Tail she could actually go in. All that knowledge. Perhaps there would be something on those few items she wanted to look up. The white lotus was one but compared to what she really wanted to know, it was minor. "Think we could see if Trex and Zelia could give us our part and excuse ourselves?" She paused. "Of course we would have to word it in a way where we don't expect them to stay with us so they can continue to Trex's place." She frowned. That might be better left up to Flynn. The wagon came to a stop and she looked up. Trouble? They hadn't gone far. Peaking out the end she looked around. There wasn't really anyone around. Jumping down, she headed around pausing when she saw Zelia get down. "What's wrong?" She asked not seeing Trex.