[center][b]The Tartarus, Vodran Space[/b][/center] Travelling from vodran to Nal Hutta, Klaatu took some time to eat and relax, as business was picking up and he needed to be at his best. Shortly before entering Nal Hutta’s orbit, Captain Oren had received a reply from the the prospecting buyer from before. They had asked to purchase the entirety of the crew’s last hull, one of the largest orders the company had filled to date. Klaatu was hesitant to accept the offer at first, as many of them would be worth a lot more if he sold them separately. But at the same time, Half of the stock would sit in cells for quite a while before either being sold in group discounts for astoundingly low prices. He’d decided better to move a large quantity and get on with the next collection. His offer stood at one million credits for fifty live cargo. Since the village had only brought in fortyseven livestock, he had thrown in three more prisoners who had been on the ship a little longer. Before Klaatu could head to the rendezvous and meet with the buyer, Klaatu had to take the Tartarus back to Vodran and drop off the rest of the supplies and cargo from Nal hutta. They had successfully moved anything incriminating out of their former base of operations, turning it into just another cantina. On Vodran, Klaatu had left a small group to explore the area and find a better, more well hidden spot to set up camp. Of the half dozen who went into the swamps to explore only half of them returned. One had nothing to report, but the other two had both found possible spots. West of the village remains the swamp met a mountain, where another cave system weaved through the mountain and underneath the swamp. South of their location sat an old Hutt fortress, a gang of former hutt employees had taken hold, and claiming most of their area as their own. Arriving on at on the ahsy remains of the village, Klaatu was briefed on the options that lay in front of him. He could set up where the village was, and be susceptible to attacks from above with no tree coverage from the clearing and be relatively close to what he assumed was a hostile gang. They would eventually have to be eliminated or assimilated but that would have to wait until Gort had a new HQ. He decided to go with the mountain set up. Not being able to land nearby due to the density of the swamps around the mountain, The Tartarus stayed levitating just over the tree line as crates of supplies were air dropped into dense forest below along with half of his crew and his engineers to begin work. “Captain Oren, set a course for the rendezvous point with the golden company.” “Yes sir.” He replied promptly, plotting the coordinates into the screen before him. Klaatu sat back in the captain’s chair, bored as he watched space travel by at speeds he barely comprehended. All that was on his mind was the credits. With a sly smile, Klaatu was on his way to the meeting point.