Okay so it was a standard steam powered ferry model. Rei jotted it down in her book as she scanned over some of the documents in front of her. She needed to plan this at the perfect time, in the perfect action and organize their getaway now knowing what kind of ship he actually had. Taking in a deep breath, she ran over the plan in her head and about half way through she heard his call. A single eye opened up as it flicked in the direction of her knew companion. “Don’t use up all the hot water.” She called out as she turned her attention back to the papers in front of her. She had other things to worry about than crawling into the bath with a man. Right now, her life just got more intricate and required her full attention for her to be ready for tomorrow. Taking in a deep breathe she went over the layout of the location she was going to over and over again, ingraining it into her memory until she could barely see anymore. Yawning after mentally exhausting herself, the navy haired girl climbed to her feet and stretched her arms over her head. Walking to the bathroom door after hearing rustling inside she gave it a firm knock. “I hate to break up your relaxing time but… nature calls and I highly recommend you not be present in the room while I take care of it.” When he finally exited she brought her bag in with her and began to shut the door but she did take half a moment to look him over… not bad. [i]Shut[/i] After spending some time in the bathroom unpacking her bathroom things she reached over and flushed the toilet before stripping out of her own clothing and running herself a steaming hot bath. Aaahhhh this felt nice. After lounging for some time, the young girl called out through the closed door, “Jacob…” She called out as she splashed some of the water around. “Can I ask you a big favor…?” Her voice sounded pleading as she called out to him. “I… used the last bit of my toothpaste this morning and went straight to finding someone to fly without picking up another bottle. Can you please go get me one?”