[color=662d91]"How are these things still coming!?"[/color] Kusari screamed as she tore into another tree. For every one they destroyed another just replaced it, at this rate they'd get nowhere. As she sliced through another trunk with her claws the sandstorm suddenly increased in ferocity. She winced as sand caused nicks in her skin. She could ignore it as her magic would heal it, but the others didn't have that luxury. Ernest's voice spoke through her cuff, he wanted to retreat? Kusari shook her head as if he were right there. She didn't want to run away, not now. They were trying so hard to keep them away, she wanted to know why. Why come here just to then turn tail and escape? Even still, regrouping and coming up with a plan would be a good idea. Kusari ran back to the front of the lighthouse to meet the others. As she arrived she ran into Callan and Sander. She looked towards the direction their fight had taken place, the large monster was gone. As expected of Callan and Sander she supposed. Regardless, she was glad they were alright. As Kusari was about to speak she heard Allison's voice transmit to her. For a moment she froze in place. Angel being taken made sense, it would explain why they didn't want them to get close, and why they wanted to escape so quickly. Allison's voice seemed odd, but she didn't dwell on it. [color=662d91]"I'll g- Transmit, I'll go. Whatever it takes to get her back I'll do it. End transmission."[/color]