[hider=Gaius Petrilus, Demon Knight] Name: Gaius Petrilus Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://d3.heroes-centrum.com/obr/units/legions_of_damned/antipaladin.jpg [/img] [img]http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u550/Crimson_Paladin/Antipaladin_zps8tt91cxs.png [/img] [/hider] Gender: Male Race: Demon Age: 27 Personality: Both humans and demons can attest that that Gaius is a demon of honor, someone who is polite and courteous to friend and foe alike, respectful to the dead, and whose word is trusted even by his enemies. Whether this makes him a burgeoning paragon of Tsukran or a theatrical fop who insists on playing by the enemy's rules depends on the demon being asked. In private, he is more complicated. He is an idealist who wishes to end battles with as few casualties as possible by slaying the champions that grant the human armies their resolve. At the same time, however, he is torn between the guilt of slaying good men and women- even if for the greater good of his people- and the demonic bloodlust that swells within him. Gaius lives to fight, but notwithstanding the consolation that his foes were granted honorable deaths, their deaths have begun to weigh on his conscience. Nonetheless, his duty is to protect demonkind and he will not shirk it, but if there was a way to secure a future for demons without this perpetual conflict, his duty would demand that he pursue it. Unusually for his kind, Gaius has interacted with humans off the battlefield, and these experiences have given him the belief that humans can be negotiated and dealt with beyond exchanging prisoners or arranging pitched battles. Unfortunately, with the degree of scheming and intrigue in Tsukran, not to mention the reputation that demons have for twisting deals and contract, it is simply not possible with the current state of things. Abilities: As part of his heritage, Gaius is imbued with the strength of stone and iron, as strong and unyieldingly durable as his element. As a Demon Knight, he is a deadly swordsman, trained from a young age to fight the enemies of Sanjiva. Together, these traits make him an unyielding warrior. Equipment: Gaius wears a demonic suit of armor and carries an enchanted sword which causes the earth itself to yield when struck- but only in its natural form. History: Gaius was born to House Petrilus, an aristocratic house within Sanjiva known for its affinity with earth, said to be a result of interbreeding with gargoyles long ago. Being the fourth child, far removed from inheritance, he opted to remove himself from his family's scheming and become a knight in the service of Sanjiva. After being knighted, he took up a place in the Demon King's army, ready to face whatever threatened Tsukran. During the most recent war, Gaius fought on the front lines of several battles, and gained renown for challenging and slaying a human paladin in single combat (a deed that made him known as the Antipaladin)- and infamy for later returning the paladin's corpse to the humans. At the same time, he gradually drew disillusioned with the conflict despite how it stirred his demonic blood, and began to lament slaying the humans, more so after having personally seen that not all of them are the murderous fanatics that his leaders made them out to be. Near the end of the war as the tide turned against Tsukran, Gaius was chosen to escort the retreating leaders of back to Sanjiva. When he learned that the retreat had been covered by sacrificing waves of conscripts, he was furious, and protested both their failure to negotiate safe passage and their callous treatment of their soldiers. His superiors, appreciative of his deeds but unable to tolerate his insolence, responded by reassigning him far from Sanjiva. Little did they know that this reassignment would put him in contact with others with similar disdain for Tsukran's leadership. Other: I have a "human" appearance for him in mind, but I'll get it later. [/hider]