[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmU3NWExMy5TMkZwYkEsLC4w/dragonslapper.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmU3NWExMy5TMkZwYkEsLC4w/dragon-alphabet.regular.png[/img][/centre] [centre][color=#d35400]_________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=#d35400][b]Race:[/b] Saiyan [b]Power level:[/b] 910 [b]Location:[/b] Outside Central Capital (CC) / [url=https://www.foro3d.com/attachments/63464d1199380575-dragonball-capsula-n-1-a-casa-goku-94.jpg]Kails Home[/url] / [url=http://i65.tinypic.com/34igygl.png]Sector 41 East[/url] / CCPD [b]Tagging:[/b] [@Holy Soldier] [@Renny][/color] [color=#d35400]_________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [/centre] [Color=#feab24]The scream was loud and powerful in that early morning light, the sun was barely over the horizon before a large boulder exploded into several smaller pieces and fell towards to the hard dirt ground. Kail landed nimbly on one foot with barely a resounding thud as bits of rock fell around her. Kail brought her other foot back to ground with a resounding hard thud, the ground beneath split leaving a deep impression before she lifted her other foot and did a fast spin kick. Her foot caught one of the chunks of falling rock, the chunk of hard stone slammed forward smashing into another large rock smashing too smaller pieces. Kail brought her foot back down, she started to move clockwise quickly, bending on her other leg she extended the opposite and went low to the ground doing a low sweep kick. The heel of her boot moved across the dirt leaving a draw line before she went still and held position, her attacking leg extended and her other supporting here. Kail let herself fall backwards, her hands hit the dirt as her body raised into the air, spinning on her hands she kicked the air, launching up with her hands she hit her feet. Kail than released a fury of punches. Her fingers changed quickly into different positions, hammer blow, chop, palm blow, side kick, jumping spin kick. Kails body moved fluidly, her excitement was evident while she moved free like the air around her. [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLmVlODgxNy5RbVZsY0EsLC4wAA,,/advanced-dot-digital-7.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE2LmVlODgxNy5RbVZsY0EsLC4wAAAA/advanced-dot-digital-7.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjIyLmVlODgxNy5RbVZsY0EsLC4wAAAA/advanced-dot-digital-7.regular.png[/img] Kail nearly lost her footing as a rather loud noise emanated from nearby, her face became sort of sullen as her tail dropped almost in defeat, as if the noise had totally ruined her reason for living. Kail walked over to the small capsule home, reaching down she plucked up the small device turning it over in her hands. She clicked a few buttons but the beeping didn't stop, she clicked a few more buttons, the beeping continued. [b]"Oh come on you stupid thing..."[/b] She spoke under her breath becoming agitated at the stupid little device. The dang thing was foreign to her, a human cop had gotten it for her. They had set it up so it would go off every morning so she knew it time to start getting ready for work, usually she could get it to turn off but this time she couldn't figure the damn thing out. Kail slapped the device against her hand, it just kept on blaring and beeping at her. [b]"Just... turn... off!"[/b] Kail chucked the device as hard as she could, without even standing a chance it slammed into a nearby boulder and was almost instantly obliterated into a thousand pieces. The annoying beeping immediately cut off to Kail's relief, she shrugged her shoulders idly. It wasn't like she ever late anyways, if there was one think Kail was good at it was her timing. Finding her usual grin again Kail ran off towards the large bodies of water near her home for a quick washing, there was nothing more exhilarating than a dip in icy cold waters early in the morning. It had not taken long for Kail to reach the icy blue gleaming waters, she stripped almost immediately, even though she had been on Earth for two years now she still did not understand modesty in it entirety. With a huge splash her body hit the waters as the icy coldness sent an exhilarating shock wave up her spine, she laughed content. Maybe it was because she was so enthralled with the water, or her usual love for swimming but the female Saiyan had not noticed the extra presence with her that particular morning. Not too far away a young man who was fishing on the opposite shore sitting concealed among some of the big rocks was watching her with rather intense concentration as she swam around in the buff. Sweat was pouring down the mans brow as his cheeks were burning red, a tiny trickle of blood was making its way down his [url=https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--wFQ-n3mC--/c_fill,fl_progressive,g_center,h_450,q_80,w_800/xfolt65qi4agdaindr7c.jpg]nostrils[/url]. Unknown to Kail this was turning out to be the luckiest day of this mans life. Had it not been for the small chunk of rock that released itself from the loose cropping, she may never have realized at all. Kail was quick to avert her eye's to the location of the noise that was clear as day. When her pupils fell on the face of the man across the water, her eye's became intense and [url=https://thenullset.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/spring1016696.jpg]scary[/url]. The man froze like a deer in the headlights, he was half between wanting to risk staying and running away. The choice however was made for him when Kail flew from her spot like a bat out of hell and swam for the opposite shore, the water almost seemed to follow her in a large walled trail behind her. The man screamed in pure fear as he launched off the rocks and bolted disappearing over the hill. Kail stopped swimming not too far from the shore as she cocked her head confused, why had the human run from her? Perhaps she had been a bit too overenthusiastic about coming to say hello? It was not often that anyone was ever out here if at all, she merely wanted to invite him for a swim. Kail shrugged to herself again, might as well go back and start getting ready for work. [/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmVlODgxNy5UR0YwWlhJZ1pIVnlhVzVuSUhSb1pTQmtZWGt1SUM0Z0xnLCwuMAAA/dragon-harbour.regular.png[/img] [Color=#feab24]Kail looked in the mirror within the locker room of the Central City PD, her lips were formed into a disappointed manner. She was decked out in her police uniform, a uniform which was itchy, tight in all places and uncomfortable. Not to mention she was unable to even apply a hole for her tail which was wrapped around her waste like a brown belt. Most didn't even notice it as long as she didn't wave it around. If there was one thing she had learned about this planet, it was that her having a tail which was normal to her was apparently shocking to others. Most of the other officers knew about it, most contributed to some kind of weird birth defect, whatever the heck that was suppose to mean. Others often made comments about her being some kind of secret experiment between a monkey and a human, that was more or less the one that made her mad, them calling her a monkey. [b][color=tan]"Theres monkey girl, wonder if that tail gets her many dates?" "Yeah right, where are they going to go, the zoo?"[/color][/b] Kail's sensitive ears picked up chatter from the back of the locker room, two other female officers were whispering to each other, obviously unaware of Kail's hearing being a bit more acute than their human hearing. Both of the officers giggled as their jokes while Kail's hands balled into fists, she nearly turned around to go and confront them but she didn't. She could easily beat them if she wanted to, but the truth was she knew it wouldn't make much of a difference. Most never got to see beyond the tough almost sometimes crazy appearance Kail tended to give off, if they did than perhaps they would not make jokes about her. She did it here on this planet, she truly did, but the one thing she didn't have here was friends or even someone who wanted to know her. It holds true that life on her home planet was not always so good, and most of her race looked down on her, and she caused trouble all the time, but even through all of that she at least had others who cared about her. Two years she had been on this planet and not one person ever approached her, offered to be her friend, even offered to go get coffee like humans seem to do. She didn't even know what the hell coffee was even supposed to be but she would gladly go and get some if asked. But it was almost... like she didn't even exist here, like no one could see her an those who did just gawked at her tail. She had even tried to approach others, tried to offer some friendly sparring and they just turned laughing at her. Kails face saddened as one single tear dropped down her cheek, she looked down at the floor as she wiped it away slowly. She looked back up at the mirror at her own reflection, was there something wrong with her? Kail raised her hand up and extended her finger, she pushed it to the mirror in the center of her reflection and it cracked under her finger almost immediately spider webbing the mirror. She sighed lowering her hand grabbing her hat from the bench placing it on her head. She faintly remembered the man from earlier who ran away from her, maybe this was just how the human race was to everyone, although she knew somewhere in her mind, that was not the case. What damn difference did it make anyways? She was a Saiyan, not some weak little earthling, if she truly wanted to she could easily wipe out the humans on this planet. Kail hit herself in the head with her palm as she silently chastised herself for thinking like her old self. She had to keep that side of herself pressed down and far from herself, she already knew what would happen if she didn't... just like last time. Kail turned from the mirror letting her usual confident I don't give as shit smirk appear upon her face. If only these humans could see her deep down, if only. [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmVlODgxNy5UR0YwWlhJZ2FXNGdRMkZ3YVhSaGJDQkRaVzUwY21Gcy4wAAAAAAA,/dragon-harbour.regular.png[/img] Kails face went hellishly sour as she spit out the hot darkened liquid, what the hell, this is the coffee these humans are always going out for!? It was no wonder she never tried it before now, she must have known somehow it was going to be terrible and bitter. Kail tossed the cup aside into the nearby trash can sticking her tongue out of her mouth. Humans thought she was weird, but only a truly weird one would drink that bitter liquid. Kail silently hopped on her motorcycle to the side of the road, turning the key the engine roared lowly to life as the on board screen in front of her lite up. All of a sudden the screen transitioned while a small red light on the panel went off. Kail reached her hand forward and flipped the switch crudely marked emergencies. The screen transitioned to a recording of two individuals, both male in what appeared to be a construction site. [COLOR=RED][b]This is an official request for assistance from all nearby units, we have two fugitives on the run from the Construction Site Quad C. Suspects are suspected of Domestic Violence, Vandalism and resisting arrest. Suspects were last seen on foot heading East, Buddbot currently in pursuit.[/b][/color] Kail viewed the images of the two suspects one more time as a smile hit her face. Finally a little action to brighten up her day. Flipping the nearby switch marked siren the lights on her bike lite up and the siren sounded before she launched from the curve and disappeared quickly down the road. [b]"This is Officer Kail, I am nearby to the construction zone, am heading to help assist in the chase."[/b][/color]