[@Lasrever]Best cape name for an art-themed cape ever. Love it. Agree with the addition of a Striker rating. Would love to see little quirks based on what they're made from and with. It'd give you more versatility, and power versatility is like gold dust in Boston. My one pet peeve is the destruction gimmick. If you wouldn't mind, could you change that to something like 'it takes a day or two for a creation to gain enough strength to be useful again after destruction'? It'd mean you could summon them again right away, but they'd still be injured and pretty useless and would take away the arbitrary time limit for seemingly no reason. It's one of my biggest problem with RWBY OCs i've seen in the past. It works slightly better with Worm capes for spoilery reasons, but it's still better to incorporate some kind of reason rather than just time. If you don't like my suggestion for it, come up with something wildly different yourself, because I don't much mind what it actually is. ^.^ Side note - I had no idea you planned to make another character. Regardless, consider her accepted! ^.^