[@vancexentan]Not sure what I made but its completed for the most part before the critiques have been given. He's more of a politician that will be dancing around this Grail War, however, if push comes to shove then he can defend himself to an degree. His weakness is against targets who are resistant to magecraft, possess a strong mentality, and have mystery which are essentially the three criteria that make up the upper echelon of Servants. In exchange, he is more compatible to the mundane opponents that will be there but his stats as an Assassin balances him whenever it isn't cloaks and daggers. [hider=Assassin][color=LightSlateGray] [center][hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/TloUxZt.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=Brown][b][u]Assassin[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Theme Song][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9DO3zpdWqw[/youtube][/hider][/center] [color=brown][u][b]Alias:[/b][/u][/color] "Old Man of the Mountain" "Hassan of Depravity" [color=brown][u][b]Alignment:[/b][/u][/color] Lawful Neutral [color=brown][u][b]Servant of:[/b][/u][/color] [color=brown][u][b]Weapon(s):[/b][/u][/color] His Voice is the most prominent weapon he uses that most wouldn't suspect upon meeting him first Formally trained in daggers and other small blades for any of the unsavory business that he does Practical hand-to-hand combat as carrying a weapon in court isn't a good way to incite trust [color=brown][u][b]Wish:[/b][/u][/color] Assassin's wish is to figure themselves out to see whether if they should repent their sins (But this wish should not be granted through the use of the Grail unless something changes) [color=brown][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u][/color] None [color=brown][u][b]Class Skills:[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Class Skills] Independent Action (A) - As a figure who always worked alone, it is not surprising for Assassin to take action without their Master. Moving through the shadows to set up a web of lies and deceit, it is a skill necessary for someone who schemes such plans and ideas. At this rank, it is possible for them to last a week in this world without any anchor but this is without taking account of any other method of sustaining oneself. [hr] Presence Concealment (B+) - At this rank, it is suitable for Assassin to spy on others. However, the skill is tailored more for Assassin to be seen while disguising their presence as a Servant, resulting in receiving an increase in rank to [color=salmon][ A+ Rank ][/color] for this skill when used that way. With Assassin hiding essentially in plain sight, it prevents most identification from the senses of Servants unless they have other skills to say otherwise. Allowing Assassin to be seen as a normal person but it still retains the same limitations for when preparations to attack are made, the efficiency of this skill decreases to [color=salmon][ C Rank ][/color]. The only exception to this is when Assassin uses Sound-based techniques. With the way that Assassin uses these attacks, it requires the target being [color=salmon][ willing to listen ][/color] and [color=salmon][ not be cautious or wary ][/color] of Assassin. If these two requirements are met, Assassin can use sound-based techniques to their fullest against them that would not register as 'harmful' or 'suspicious' to them that would normally out Assassin. [/hider] [color=brown][u][b]Personal Skills:[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Personal Skills] Espionage (A++) // So long as Assassin does not reveal their true nature or intentions on purpose, it is impossible to discern any hostility or alternative motive from them. With the combination of skills that Assassin has, the ability to detect their nature as a Servant or intentions are close to zero unless their opponents is able to see through it in some way. This skill is lost, however, when attacking a target under this effect and is permanently ineffective for that individual unless something were to change that. [hr] Mesmerizing Presence (A) // A skill brought on from [color=salmon][ Self Modification ][/color] that was intended less for combat and more for one's own appearance, resulting in Assassin to be simply charming to say the least. Its drawback is that the changes are permanent but allows him to manifest his appearance as a strong mental interference magecraft-like effect on others. With even his mundane actions being enchanted with poise that he simply has to him, it is becomes more prominent when exerting the specialized talents he has with his voice and movement if he so desires. One could call this a captivating force of personality and gravitas that surrounds Assassin that draws people to him. While partial evasion is possible with [color=salmon][ Magic Resistance ][/color], as a skill surrounding his personality affecting others, a skill like [color=Salmon][ Charisma ][/color] or any other mental pollution could provide defense against this ability. However, even without [color=Salmon][ Charisma ][/color] or any other protection, one can abate it to some extent so long they maintain a will to resist. Those who willingly fall prey to this skill receive a negative debuff when trying to resist this skill unless something otherwise changes it. At its core, this skill cannot go against the fundamental beliefs that an individual has but can try to persuade them over time, with the results varying, against the most fool hardy individual it can reaffirm their own beliefs even. Magical damage and effects can be transferred through his actions and even his words that latches onto them, being entirely focused on mental interference. It is a skill incompatible to improving on Assassin's physicality due to his focus unless converting ranks to [color=salmon][ Self Modification ][/color] from this skill with partial efficiency. [hr] Guile and Subterfuge (B+) // A skill that Assassin had picked up during the years that they operated, moving through the many different courts and echelon of power made them accustomed to the many different natures of people. With eyes in every shadow and tongues carefully held, they learned the unspoken language that people communicated even if they didn't recognize. It is a more sophisticated version of [color=salmon][ Human Observation ][/color] that came from the training granted to Assassin allowed insight not only during combat but outside of it as well. Upon studying an individual for a day, Assassin gains [color=salmon][ Eye of the Mind (True) ][/color] against them at [color=salmon][ A Rank ][/color] and treats their physical parameters as one lower for Assassin so long it is not directly contested. If preparations for this skill is not met for a Servant or individual, the buff they have against them does not trigger and their [color=salmon][ Eye of the Mind (True) ][/color] is kept the same rank as this skill. Outside of combat this skill also as the [color=salmon][ Instinct ][/color] skill when navigating social and diplomatic conversation. If the individual has not been studied before hand by Assassin, this skill becomes [color=salmon][ C Rank ][/color] , that allows Assassin to roughly feel the way of how a conversation is going. Allowing him to get a general feel of the intentions of those that he is conversing with during this period of intermission between them. Should Assassin complete the criteria of studying his opponents before speaking to them, this skill increases to [color=salmon][ B Rank ][/color] which allows an even finer sense of the flow between him and the conversation that is happening. Giving him the chance to preemptively change his own tone and responses to elicit the result that he desires or try getting as close to it as possible with this skill. After studying his target, it allows some capability to pass through mental defenses a person may have such as [color=salmon][ Mad Enchantment ][/color] or [color=salmon][ Mental Pollution ][/color] and have some understanding to a degree. Should any of his techniques of mental interference be used against opponents with these unstable mental states, unsavory and twisted results may occur for Assassin should he risk it.[/hider] [color=brown][u][b]Base Parameters:[/b][/u] [/color] Strength: (筋力, Kinryoku?): D Endurance: (耐久, Taikyū?): D Agility: (敏捷, Binshō?): B Magical Power: (魔力, Maryoku?): C Good luck: (幸運, Kōun?): E Noble Phantasm: (宝具, Hōgu?): A [color=brown][u][b]Noble Phantasm:[/b][/u][/color] [hider=Noble Phantasm] Name: Zanbanyia [ Ichor of the Reverie - To Act with One's Heart, Mind, and Soul ] Quote: "Ssshhhh... Take a moment won't you? Let go of the weight that you burden yourself with and close your eyes." Rank: C++ Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1-10 Description: Compared to No Name Assassin's application of this Noble Phantasm, there is more depth to it than being simply being the assassination technique for Hassan of Depravity. It can be said that her usage of this Noble Phantasm showed the inadequacy of her inheriting the title of [color=salmon][ Old Man of the Mountain ][/color] but who are they to judge? A similar technique to The Hundred-Faced Hassan in more ways than one, it was an inborn quality of Assassin that they had, but what is useful of a beautiful voice for a person who killed for their entire life? Not to mention what would make it worthy enough for the others to accept it as an technique suitable of being named [color=salmon][ Zanbaniya ][/color] and compete with the others. The answer would be through a method only they would be able to do, a technique that utilized the soul of Assassin to not only harm but heal, it can be thought to be similar in a way to Spiritual Healing and Material Transformation. This Noble Phantasm is a technique that opens the doorway to the 'soul' using the body as a medium. Being a two way relationship, the connection between Assassin and their target can be said to be very intimate with what it entails. As the soul is the record of a person at their core, Assassin if given time can read through the entire history of a person through this medium and if so desired, could alter it to affect their physical body. It is a powerful enough technique to even scramble the Magic Circuits of those who possesses them in a short time as seen when [color=salmon][ No Name Assassin ][/color] used them and when specifically directed Servants, could bring them down to their knees. By altering the records that are pertained in a person's soul or the history in a object, the body that they are reside in are also affected by this fundamental change in their being. The reverse can be said that the foundations that a person is built on can also be reinforced upon that solidifies their existence or purpose that can change their capabilities. Giving it the capabilities to potentially ignore the preset qualities of the flesh and body, it instead becomes harder to impose change on a object that is resistant to magecraft or have a substantial amount of mystery behind them that makes it incompatible to this Noble Phantasm. Making it possible be resisted with [color=salmon][ Magic Resistance ][/color] to reject the attempted change or something like [color=salmon][ Divinity ][/color] which offers resistances as they become less human. Making this Noble Phantasm working more against mundane opponents like humans or if they are servants, wraiths such as Assassin himself and those closer to modern day who lack substantial mystery. In the right situations however, these setbacks can be mitigated with several criteria that can be met which improves the effectiveness of this Noble Phantasm if Assassin has the chance. It first starts off at [color=salmon][ C Rank ][/color] with its potency, but allows multiple targets to be effected at the same time in exchange for the potency of the change. Should it target a single entity, the effectiveness of this Noble Phantasm increases by a single rank to [color=salmon][ B Rank ][/color] as there is more precision and dedication involved to achieving the desired change but now limited in targets that it can affect. The final criteria which can allow Assassin to be at his full capabilities is when he touches another person's body which allows the most intimate connection. Allowing this Noble Phantasm to increase another rank to a maximum of [color=salmon][ A Rank ][/color] that gives Assassin the opening should the conditions align. The final limitation that this Noble Phantasm has is the chant that comes beforehand to use it, fitting into the magecraft system of being a Ten-Count aria. It is a form of self-hypnosis to acquire the potent effects of this Noble Phantasm but can change depending on what Assassin wishes to do. As the aria to cause harm is different to healing someone or changing the principal of an object/entity that is being targeted which allows Assassin to seamlessly blend it into conversation with his finesse so long as the depth in them are true. If this step is not followed, the maximum potential for this Noble Phantasm to reach would be a measly [color=salmon][ C Rank ][/color] in the capabilities that is able to do.[/hider] [color=brown][u][b]True Name:[/b][/u][/color] [hider=True Name]Hassan-i-sabbah[/hider] [/color][/hider] If its easier, just PM me the details that you wish to discuss and we can talk them over. This OC went a bit bigger than I originally planned once it got rolling... As for my Assassin's Master, I plan to make a character that is as close to being a pacifist as one can in a Holy Grail War that will make the dynamic for Assassin to take on a diplomatic role. (Or if someone wishes to make a Master in this stereotype/role then just tell me~ I won't mind if you make this character yours with your own twists and turns!)