Riley scampered into the only obvious escape she could find, as fast as her new, stubby legs would take her. It was a door, rather strangely arranged, opening into a bedroom of sorts. She ran inside, and ducked behind a corner. The moment she did, however, a familiar sensation overcame her. She felt herself growing, changing shape, like when she spoke the spell. She could now look down, and found her fingers where once was Nina's paws. Her hands instinctively reached back behind her head, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the familiar texture of a braid. Her braid, that magic cannot take away forever. Strangely, everything was silent. Riley, remembering the sounds of roars and growls, now heard nothing excepting the mysterious voice of a woman. Her words commanded respect, and Riley felt like she was shrinking again just listening to it. Her hands went to her braid, and she began making those therapeutic knots she knew so well. This place would not protect her forever. She looked around for any kind of escape, and found one on the far wall. An elevator of sorts, tucked away in the far wall. Riley ran over to it and clambered in, hiding behind a platter so high it went near to the top. She pushed the lever upwards, hoping it would take her up, or down, or anywhere far away from here where monsters seek to catch her.