[hider=My Character] Name: Nathan Tiberius Harrison-Marshall Species: Human Age: 28 Sex: Male Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/76/32/a9/7632a980473909e4a1b8536555233ac5--character-reference-character-art.jpg[/img] History: Nathan Tiberius Harrison-Marshall was born on Tyche in the city of Agathos to [url=https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3432/3973979751_3924a88889_m.jpgl]Martha Harrison[/url] and [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/36bc/i/2014/183/f/a/leader__cyberpunk_setting__by_le_mi-d7oy5tw.jpg]Edgar Marshall[/url]. His parents were both powerful traders who decided to get married and become even more powerful. Together they created the Harrison-Marshall Mercantile Company. For the last 250 years the Company has been one of the premiere trade corps in the Concord. However, Nate was not the first born son. He was the fifth and last child but he was never babied. From the time he turned ten, he was tested with everything he did. He was the son of a rich family and his father judged him on everything. When Nate turned 20, his father decided he wanted to retire from running the company and let his children run the show. However, he made it another one of his tests. The children had to prove to their father why they were worthy to inherit the power. That is why Nate is trying to build his own trade network to rival his siblings. Currently he just has his one ship. Personality: Nate is truly a son of the Tyche Concord. Trade is in his blood and he is damn good at. Nate has the Midas touch when it comes to trade but he is not brutal in his desire for it. Nate is not a criminal and thus does run in illegal goods. There is no reason for being labeled a criminal or losing contracts over illegal goods when he can be just do it the real way. His family is an old Tyche Concord family even though Nate is quite young. He has something to prove and it shows in his actions. He wants to be seen as a real trader in the eyes of his family. Nate does not care for criminals or bullies. Allegiance: Tyche Concord (Loyal Member) Personal Effects: Nate does not keep many personal effects. He likes to keep things small so he can be able to move quickly. His most prized possession is his family ring. It is a sign for what he wants in life. [url=https://img1.cgtrader.com/items/690173/43ce23bff7/rail-pistol-3d-model-low-poly-obj-fbx-mtl.jpg]A Pair of Hermes Mk2 Rail Pistols[/url]- He really does not know how to use them. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d8/13/3c/d8133c1b5adbb0e99a8f309c82a08c46--space-suits-space-race.jpg]Kepler Class Orbital Suit[/url]- Nate uses the suit if he needs to work on his ship. Other: Nate is oddly protective of his ship the Nebuchadnezzar. Nate keeps his drones in working order since they are the closest thing to family he has right now. He is working on making an AI for them. [/hider] [hider=Nebuchadnezzar ] Ship Designation: Cargo Ship Nebuchadnezzar Ship Class: Interstellar Cargo Ship Ship Size: 550 meters long Ship Crew: To fly the ship needs One person and some drones. It can hold up to ten people comfortable. There is more if the cargo holds are empty. The central bridge area is designed to be comfortable for long trips to the Outer Rim. Ship Weapons: None but there is a chance of adding weapons should the need be. Ship technologies: [list] [*] Standard XC-Drive [*] Cargo Hold: It can fit up to 1,000 tons of cargo. [*] Drones: Nate keeps a bevy of drones to keep the ship running. He is currently working on making an AI for the ship but that is harder than it seems. [/list] Drones: [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/962/606/large/kevin-koesnodihardjo-repair-drone.jpg?1467816273]Oscar[/url] Oscar is designed to repair the hull of the ship because he is much to big to fit inside. Nate uses Oscar whenever he needs to preform large scale repairs. He has to come to a full stop or else Oscar can go flying from the ship. That has happened before. [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/6/67/Zeta_Drone_5.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110323011347]Boris and Erica[/url]- The internal repair drones since Oscar is much to big. They cannot repair as much as Oscar can but they are faster and can fit in tiny little areas of the ship. Ship Appearance: [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/d4b8/i/2015/075/9/c/q_ship_by_mikedoscher-d8lwui4.jpg[/img] Other: The Nebuchadnezzar is designed for deep space travel or exploration if the ship can be refitted with supplies. Nate is using it to trade with the far colonies in an attempt to make new trade routes. Nate got the ship through a poker game and blind luck. [/hider] More to come later. I kept it vague to fit in the theme.