Yerig glanced back towards Do'rhajul, not answering immediately. After a few moments, he stepped up closer to the fire and knelt down to Sabine's right, though he still kept a respectable distance between them. "Took me forever to squeeze that bit of information out of him. It was a long time ago that he made it, after I parted ways with him. In exchange for curing his own lycanthropy and returning him the life he used to have, he would fight to 'end the major threat of lycans in Tamriel.' The man's a good leader, so he thought he could do it with enough soldiers and resources. Harder than he thought it was, apparently. Thing is, a pact with a Daedra isn't just some loose promise. There's power in it. He says that Clavicus Vile will end up his soul if he doesn't fulfill his bargain. Honestly, I think he's a damn fool for making that kind of promise." Yerig shifted his gaze over the unconscious body of Arinette. "That witch-girl, the Daedric priestess, she seemed convinced that killing your 'Champion' would be enough to throw you into disarray. So, that was why they were hunting you. Why they did those things to you." After a few more moments, a look of shame became apparent on Yerig. "I should have stopped it all sooner. It's my fault you had to go through all that. I just wasn't sure what to believe. I failed."