[@vancexentan] [hider=The Magus of Anima and Animus] Name: Haneul Park Nicknames: The Magus of Anima and Animus Age: 16 Gender: Non-Binary ("he" and "they" pronouns) Master of: Beserker Command Seal Location: Forehead Wish: To cure his illness and the illnesses of all people in the world Origin: Creation [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e3/25/bb/e325bbe9818b4b4d45d6557ce7412695.jpg[/img] - Personality: Haneul is very nice, but they also have a very meek and timid personality. They tend to be very shy and apologize a lot; it's easy to intimidate them to the point of tears. However, they also love to talk to those that are willing to look past their meek nature, and becomes much more lively whenever they're given a chance to speak up. Han is probably one of the kindest and softest Masters you'll ever meet, as they literally wouldn't hurt something so long as said something doesn't deserve it. They have a deep deep disdain for disputes occurring between friends or allies, often trying to stop them once they start. Unfortunately, Haneul also has a deep-rooted complex over being looked down on by others as being "weak". This happened as a result of memories and experiences from their childhood where they were frequently bullied and told to act tougher due to them being rather frail for a boy, resulting in their now gender-fluidity. By doing such, they were able to feel more comfortable about what they lacked and was finally able to ignore all the negatives that people threw at them; although there are times when specific gender comments strike a chord in Han, this being the only thing that can get him particularly angry. Though they try to hide it, they get uncomfortable when others treat them as a girl and sometimes a boy, and they would rather spend time with other boys instead of girls. They greatly admire men who are physically strong and they wish they could be like them at times. Haneul likes to cook, bake and read books, but dislikes natural disasters, fighting, and bloodshed; hence why they are more of a support based mage. They also go completely bonkers when they see anything bird related. Biography: Haneul was born in Seoul, South Korea, and is the product of two well known magus lineages. Both parents wanted their son to become a magus that surpassed both of their families, but also wanted him to remember that he could have a normal if he wanted to. Thus, they waited until Han turned five before they began introducing magic into his life. What they weren't expecting was for Haneul to be born with an excessive amount of magic circuits in his body. He had so many, that when his parents taught him his first transmutation spell, Haneul 'overheated' his circuits and blew up half of their house. Ever since that day, Han's parents have been teaching him how to refine and control his power to where he can now use his spells without overheating automatically. But just because they did so, didn't mean that Haneul health was completely out of the woods. Despite the constant conditioning he went though to control his magic circuits, there are times where the circuits in his body would remain active, regardless of whether he was casting a spell or not, and because of that, Haneul is prone to fevers and overheating even outside of battle. Even with having such a big weakness at his side, Haneul remained strong and continued to work hand, making a name for himself in the magician world, despite only being fifteen at the time. - Magecraft Section: School of Magecraft: School of Alchemy and Transmutation Skills/Spells List: Threaded Metal Transmutation - Can Create 7 Mental Images (this multiplies depending on how many memory partitions are open) Memory Partition - 10 Times (Can open Four at a Time) Thought Acceleration - 15 Times Healing Thread - 5 Times Shared Perception - 3 Times Amount of Magecraft Mana: A Other: Han is still struggling to understand the language and often consults with Berserker before he speaks up. [/hider] [hider=Dragon's Daughter] Class Name: Berserker Nicknames: Dragon's Daughter, Countess Dracula, Blood Countess Alignment: Chaotic Evil Servant of: Haneul Park Weapon(s): Torture Utensils (Main: Giant Fork and Hairpins) Wish: To make Haneul happy and possibly healthy too Abilities: Skills: Territory Creation B Battle Continuation B Breath of the Dragon E Charisma C Torture Techniques A Class Abilities: Mad Enhancement E- Base Parameters: Strength: (筋力): C Endurance: (耐久): D Agility: (敏捷): A Magical Power: (魔力): E Good luck: (幸運): B Noble Phantasm: (宝具): D Noble Phantasm(s): [hider=One] Name: Kilenc Sárkány Quote: “Drop the curtains. I'll give you my most valued number!! aaaa〜〜〜” Rank: D Type: Anti-Unit Range: Medium Description: The ability is the majesty of a roaring thunder dragon by the name of Sárkány converted into a Noble Phantasm by weather spirits according to ancient legends in Hungary. The ability works by amplifying sounds and vibrations to invoke wind and rain by means of that resonance. It is said that it amplifies sound and vibration, using the resulting resonance to call forth wind and rain. It utilizes the Charisma, soothing effects, and ability to fill others with dread that reside in the wielder's voice. It can also be said that it simply increases the voice's volume by eighty-one times. It is a demonic singing voice that destroys and tramples not only the body of any listener, but also their mind and heart. Growing wings and standing atop her spear, Elizabeth lets out a sound wave that assaults the opponent. [/hider] True Name: [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_B%C3%A1thory]Click[/url] Appearance: [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/8/86/Elizabeth_B%C3%A1thory_Extella.png/revision/latest?cb=20160708204905[/img] [/hider] Here are my two characters. Berserker is done, and everything except for the rest of the biography is completed. I just wanted to make sure if my spells were okay?