[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/377258845279485962/Koharu_medium.png[/img][/centre] Koharu made her way back to the class narrowly avoiding tripping on anyone and bumping into any thing. When she got to the door she slid it open and carefully squeezed inside, she knew she wouldn't be able to sit next to anyone or sit up the front so she made her way to the back row and sat at one of the two middle desks. She could sit on the chair all that well so she opted for sitting on the floor and tucking in her legs, she had a light tinge of pink across her face being embarrassed by her own size. [centre][h2][color=green]Jerome Winchester[/color][/h2][/centre] Jerome watched the students walk into his class one by one, making sure to check the clock with each entry. He then focused on Karen's feet being on her desk. [color=green]"Feet of the desk Karen. Such behaviour will not occur in my classroom."[/color] Jerome looked back at the clock, still 3 minuets left until he would start marking people as late.