Gonna throw my hat into the ring, LW. If anyone of you even knows me one bit (which, trust me, you don't, believe me this is my first time seeing you guys too), you'll be able to guess who this character is gonna be... [CENTER][hider=What Comes Before The Answer?][img]https://s8.postimg.org/b073q0plh/the_question.png[/img][hr] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/8ca8/f/2010/166/4/7/the_question_by_duskflare.jpg[/img][h3][sup][sup][color=slategray]VICTOR 'VIC' SAGE [color=004b80]♦[/color] MARCH 15TH, 1993 (24) [color=004b80]♦[/color] MALE [color=004b80]♦[/color] HEROIC[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3] [COLOR=004b80][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT] [b][sup][color=004b80]"My face? Oh, I overdosed on acne cream."[/color][/sup] [sup][color=slategray]V I C S A G E[/color][/sup][/b] [color=slategray][i]This incarnation of Vic Sage, the Question, is different from some of his earlier incarnations in quite a few ways. For starters, he's only just started his life as a masked vigilante, being only a month into his career which has mostly consisted of punching petty thieves and small time drug dealers. Some other differences arise: Vic did not grow up an orphan, and had two loving parents who recently passed away. He's also in his first few months as a news anchor for World Wide Broadcasting in Hub City, Illinois. Currently, Vic's biggest bust in his career was taking down Dr. Arby Twain, who was planning on illegally selling Pseudoderm, a skinlike substance that can be used as a bandage, to third world countries. However, there was one catch: the bonding agent used to cement it to things was toxic to open wounds. Twain, however, knew the risks and was still willing to continue with the sale. Vic, utilizing a mask made of Pseudoderm, decided to create the vigilante alter ego of 'The Question' to take Twain down. After leaving Twain trapped in Pseudoderm in front of the police station, Vic continued to use this new alter ego to combat crime. So far, he hasn't stumbled upon anything big, but he [b]will[/b]! ... Soon.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][sub][color=004b80][h3]* * *[/h3][/color][/sub][/b] [indent][b][sub][color=slategray]C H A P T E R O N E[/color][/sub][/b][b][color=004b80][sub][sup][h1]THE QUESTION IN[/h1] [h1]THE HUB CITY HAPPENING![/h1][/sup][/sub][/color][/b][/indent] [quote][color=slategray][i]A cult has been terrorizing Hub City for some time now, taking teenaged girls from their homes and slaughtering them for a blood sacrifice, whereafter the horribly mangled bodies are returned to their beds the night after they go missing. The HCPD has lost hope in catching those involved, and the Question has tasked himself with tracking down and bringing this cult to justice before they can kill another innocent girl.[/i][/color][/quote] [color=slategray][indent][indent][/indent][/indent][/color] [COLOR=004b80][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][color=slategray][i]As mentioned above, Vic is pretty green currently and not at all jaded. Vic has taken an interest in reading up on Buddhist philosophy as well as the way of Native American shamans. Vic has a strange fear of aglets, the plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces. For this reason, he exclusively wears loafers, velcro shoes, or cuts the aglets off of the shoelaces. Vic is not a skilled martial artist; his fighting style is mostly down and dirty brawling. Vic uses a mask made of Pseudoderm to hide all of his facial features. It is cemented to his face via the bonding agent, which takes the form of a gas released from a special canister in his belt; the agent was modified by Professor Rodor to also change his hair color from bright ginger red to pitch black. The mask can also be rolled up into a ball and stored in his belt buckle. Vic currently has one gadget: a grappling gun. Vic frequently uses the bonding agent to intimidate criminals, saying it will take away their faces to scare them into giving him what he wants. Thanks rocketrobie2 for helping me come up with the title for the Question's first chapter! [hider=Supporting Cast/Important People] [b]Professor Aristotle 'Tot' Rodor:[/b] 'Tot' is a friend of the Sages and Vic's professor in college. Due to having known him his whole life, Vic is close with Tot and views him as a grandfather figure. Tot was the person who designed Pseudoderm along with his colleague, Dr. Arby Twain. He also designed Vic's mask, giving it to him to stop Twain without having his identity revealed. Tot continues to help by providing first aid to Vic when he is injured, as well as designing new gadgets for Vic to use in his crusade. More to come as Vic develops relationships with the rest of the cast. [/hider][/i][/color][/indent][/indent][/hider][/CENTER]