Yerig listened along with a sympathetic look in his eyes for Sabine's entire story. As it went on, his posture gradually became more relaxed, and he eventually ended up sitting back while looking into the flamed in front of them. He remained respectfully silent while Sabine spoke, but his face told his reactions quite clearly. Sympathy and regret were both mixed into his gaze when he hazarded a glance towards her. Even if he had not directly harmed her, he still took some responsibility for her suffering. "That's real good of you to be so forgiving, even after all you went through. For your sister, and Rhajul over there. I don't really know you, but you sound like the kind of person that anyone should aspire to be. It's just..." Yerig said with some dread in his voice, giving another glance over to Do'rhajul. "I appreciate that you're open to forgiving him. I really, really do. It's just that, I don't think he's going to be willing to forgive himself nearly that easily." Indeed, if Sabine looked over to Do'rhajul, she would see him hunched over, staring blankly at the ground. After giving his surrender, he had hardly moved a muscle, and his face looked even more internally tortured than Sabine's. She was more than accustomed enough to Khajiit expressions to see the overwhelming guilt permeating him. Yerig continued. "The things you just described to me: taking souls, killing children, it doesn't sound anything like the Rhajul I knew. But if those things are true, and he just found out is was all because of lies, then he's not going to let this go. I know he's still a man of honor, and that honor might make him ensure that there is justice for those crimes."