[@Drakey] [b]Main Floor[/b] Demetree stood up from his third jack and coke. He had been hanging around the place the last couple of days; his attempts at job hunting had been miserable, to say the least. With his money tight, drinking in this VR was the only thing he could really afford. As he had sat there nursing his drink and giving a stink eye to anyone that looked at him (though he was too drunk to remember that behind his shaded glasses it just kinda looked creepy) he could not have helped but overhear the weird woman's declaration. The air hung with a pregnant pause as everyone nearby was stunned. The two she was addressing certainly had no words for her. So Demetree, armed with good timing, and the courage found at the bottom of a bottle, boldly strode up next to her. He moved his glasses up onto his forehead and with a broad smile said "Well, miss scary dragon lady. If you're looking for a gunner, you'll be pleased to know that im a rather decent shot myself- and looking for work." The liquor lent him the confidence he needed to try and oversell himself a bit.