At this point, Yerig felt secure enough to extend out a hand to Sabine's shoulder. "That's good. You shouldn't want to be like that. No one ever should be like that. You had the power, and still do, but you didn't use it like that. That was your choice. But, sometimes, there are things we don't get a choice in. These people have to be dealt with, Arinette especially. And I don't know if there's a good way to do it. I've met a lot of people over the years, a lot of good and bad. Some people do wrong because they're desperate, some start from their own pain. But some people are just wrong in their hearts. Like their soul is cursed with evil. I think that's her. But, uh, maybe you don't have to be the one to deal with that? You've already been through enough." Yerig gave another look down at the staff protruding partially from Sabine's cloak. "I can't even pretend to understand how Arinette got that thing to teleport us around, but you seem like you'd know a lot more about that than I would. I know your friends also had some way of teleporting like we did. Do you have a way you can get yourself back home? Can you take things with you?"