“I’m sorry… “ Cody said softly, his voice shaking, breaking with emotion. He knew that this was the end, whether he won or lost, this was the end. There simply was no changing what was. He could grieve for the two children he hadn’t been able to save, while knowing he had to stop what The boy would become. He lowered his head, asking for forgiveness from a god he didn’t believe in. Yet as the boy seemed to gather himself for something immense, Cody hesitated, and the words spoken chilled him. “NO!” He shouted, but he already knew that it was too late. He couldn’t do anything. He had failed. He turned, searching for his friends, right then, knowing he couldn’t do anything to save the people. They had to save themselves… he wasn’t powerful enough to protect them. "Gershwin!" He shouted, seeing her falling... could he do anything for her? The air seemed to work fast, whatever it was the boy had done. He breathed in, knowing his body was repairing itself even as its cells were damaged, also knowing that he wouldn’t be able to survive long if this kept up. For now, he had to trust that Gerswin would could get herself out. That she’d be okay. He began to run, searching for where he’d left Caits, running as fast as he could go, knowing that she didn’t have a chance in hell of being able to survive, and that he needed to get her out of there. “Caits!” he shouted, his voice breaking with thick emotions, “We got to move, come on, get up!” he shouted at her, helping her up, pushing her alone, “Run damn it Caits, Run!” He pushed her until she began to run, even as she shouted, “I can’t!” he kept on pushing her until she ran, and kept on running, making sure she didn’t stop, “Keep going!” he tried his best to protect her from the worst of it, not even knowing what he was doing, but just desperately wanting to make sure she would be okay. "Come on Gerswhin.... " he whispered, desperate to want to his friend to survive.