[@Letter Bee] [hider=Analysis MkII] 1) Why [i]was[/i] he bullied? 2) So was the home life, and all other life absolutely wonderful? If the only place he needed sheltered was at School. 3) Why Alaxian? 4) Any cruelty? Droids being cold unfeeling? Left over hard feelings about being pressed into labour? 5) I feel like the most important part of the sister romance paragraph is that his family was trying to arrange an alliance, and speaking out would make him a Pariah in a world where he's starting to realise life isn't all sunshine and daisies. So personally I feel like this should be earlier in the paragraph, rather than later. It seems like Colin is worried about his [i]own[/i] political standing which I feel is highly unlikely. 6) Everything else is much better. Before asking for final check I'd recommend you just re-read everything, make sure everything flows nicely and that you feel I have all the information I need. [/hider] [@Heat] Accepted.