[b]Name:[/b] Barthlomew "Barry' Allen [b]Alias:[/b] Kid Flash [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Personality:[/b] Quick Witted, Brash, Hopeful, Caring, Stubborn [b]Archetype:[/b] Metahuman [b]Powers:[/b] Barry's genes have granted him with super-human speed allowing him to faster than the human eye can perceive. Barry has been able to achieve speeds up to Mach 1 as of yet he hasn't learned much more about his powers but feels as if there is so much more he could do. Something in him keeps telling him to keep running [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Barry is susceptible to speed dampening. Severe cold will slow his metabolism and eventually drain him of health and speed. While in mid motion if he is tripped the fall at whatever speed he is traveling he will take the appropriate damage. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Warning: Large Image][img]http://dctvu.com/wp- content/uploads/2016/02/colin-allen.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Character Evolution:[/b] Barry has some large shoes to fill coming into the League under the shadow of Garrick, Barry is wanting to prove himself among the current roster of heroes. Love has never been a major concern of his but Barry is always hoping to run into "Mrs. Right" [b]BRIEF Bio:[/b] Barry was born to middle American parents Henry and Nora Allen. Growing up Barry was always the classic archetype of what most would consider a "nerd". Everything down to the pocket protector. From a very early age he had a love of everything science following closely following every publishing that came out of the scientific community with great intent. As the boy came up through middle school and subsequently high school at Central City High, Barry would find the first true love of his life. Iris Ann West. During his high school years he and Iris spent a great deal of time together and even went to college together in Gotham University where Barry studied mechanical engineering. During his tenure in Gotham Barry's came up with the concept of designing a new type of engine and fuel to increase speed, power and fuel economy and with enough time and energy he believed he had everything figured out. The only thing left to do was to test out his theory. One night after spending months of prep and research Barry finally came up with a working prototype and barring typical researching protocol opted to test his new hand built car to the nearest strip and race it full speed. One minute Barry was racing, about to achieve everything his collegiate career was building up to and the next lightning struck the car causing a near fatal explosion. When Barry woke up in the hospital days later he discovered that he had the possibility to run at incredible speed. After years of reading about the Flash Barry knew that he had to follow the same course. The only question now was how to actually do that... [b]Notes:[/b] Some the story plots I've pulled for this version of Flash comes from some of the Arrowverse ideas of Kid Flash, save for a few minor tweeks and changes I will be making her and there. The basic idea being that I wanted Barry to grow the same way and learn of his abilities, the Speed Force, and everything that comes along with it. [b]Sample Post:[/b] [center][img]https://www.hyperborea.org/flash/images/logos-kda/kidflash.png[/img][/center] The cool calm of the autumn air was suddenly broken with the sounds of sirens racing through the city streets of Central City. Another in a string of petty thefts that have been plaguing the city as criminals take what they believe belongs to them. Gunshots pierce through the already calamity as in the hopes that it would aid their get away began taking pop shots at their persurers. Yet another offspring of life in Central City, violence. As the sound of bullet piercing tires sent the police spinning to what seemed like an inevitable crash the sound of crackling lightning filled the ears of the "doomed" officers as they soon found themselves sitting safely on the sidewalk. The smirk of the elder officer let the junior know exactly what happened. The crooks, now several blocks away, looked back in horror to see that same streak of lightning acing towards them and with a blinging flash they too found themselves tied to a light pole. They looked their captor from head to toe and actually looked shocked at who they saw. Standing their in a yellow and red jumpsuit with bright red goggles over his eyes he looked back at them with an overconfident smirk beaming across his face [color=yellow]"Tough break guys. Looks like you've been caught by the fastest man alive!"[/color] They looked with a sense of confusion as one spoke up, "You aint the Flash...you're more like the kid version of the Flash. " A swift and sudden punch knocked the robber out cold as a loud and clearly exhausted sigh escaped his lips, [color=yellow]"I really hate that name...like, you have no idea how much I hate that."[/color]