For most in Sabine's position, the Do'rhajul in his current state would have been a polarizing sight. He was utterly despondent and defeated. Even as Sabine knelt down in front of him, he could not bring his eyes up to meet hers. He seemed almost a shadow of the great General he once was, and yet, as a general, he had been an ever-present terror for what was now the majority of Sabine's life. He was ultimately responsible for thousands of lycan deaths, including many innocents who did not even bring up arms against his own forces. Although it had been lies that had motivated him, he had led a genocidal campaign against them. And for Sabine, he had not personally participated in her torture, but he had been right there for the entire time. For hours on end, he had watched her suffer and done nothing to stop it. He had been complicit. Now that his righteous perception of his own cause had been stripped away from him, it was of little surprise that he was now so crippled by his guilt. Do'rhajul did not look up from the ground, and for a while, there was complete silence between them. It was subtle, but the more Sabine paid attention to him, the more she would notice how his body shook, and how irregular his breaths had become. It took several minutes for him to actually speak. "You have my surrender, lycan. I will accept the fate I deserve."