[@Assallya] [img]https://www.unigamesity.com/wp-content/uploads//2013/06/tumblr_mntymssO391s5hkrgo1_12801.jpg[/img] The intangible, undeniable aroma of flowery fragrances nearly make the air inside hard to breathe. Dim lights provide the only illumination for the establishments eager patrons, eagerly awaiting the [i]show[/i] to begin. A blonde-haired half-elf woman steps slowly onto the stage, her movements graceful and alluring. The patrons eyes' widen with excitement as her routine begins, the half-elf's outfit revealing just enough to wet their appetite for the more [i]adventurous[/i] party upstairs. Not everyone can afford the more expensive services at the Silkin Sithin, but for some that does not matter. While more reputable businesses may be experiencing a slower rate of customers, the cold winter air only attracts more people wanting to experience the warmth of another body. Brothels are not illegal of course. In fact, they fall within the protection of the law so dealing with undesirable patrons is...easier. The dark silhouette of bouncers still can be found inside, one can never be too careful. The head of Assallya's bouncers approaches her, he is a draconian with a warm black hue. A large scar stretches from above his right eye down underneath his chin, yet he has never missed a single action that occurred with the Silkin Sithin "[color=0054a6]Madam, You have a visitor[/color]." He states calmly, his voice would be much harsher if the individual was unexpected. A dark-elf male around the age of 42, still young in respect to elves, made his way into your personal chambers. You know him as Valtair Krios, an investigator with the Volstryggr police who has come to to you in the past for information on the criminal elements. It is not a one-sided exchange of course, he often gives you the latest update of current events in the police force. A man dedicated to his profession, he had resisted the attempts of your [i]girls[/i] several times on his visits "[color=92278f]Greetings, Assallya[/color]." He says informally, at this point in your business relationship this is not out of the ordinary. He takes a seat across the table from you, leaning against the back cushion of the crescent-like couch "[color=92278f]It is quite a wonderful day is it not[/color]?" He speaks with a hint of sarcasm. You know very well that he never comes to you unless its urgent, and you know the difficultly the investigators are having finding this [i]Blood Angel[/i], a individual you yourself do not have any concrete information on. [@LordofthePies] Renal seemed to perk up at Valvius's reply, this must seem like good news to him considering the two of you never met each other outside of your smithy. He only seemed to think for a moment before he arrived at his answer "[color=6ecff6]Noon tomorrow would be the best time to reach her. I will be rather...busy after tomorrow so I will not be able to accompany you after that[/color]." His voice suggested that this was related to the troubles he expressed earlier. Tomorrow would be his last day of leave before returning to his post, where he was sure there was a lot of work awaiting him. Of course as once of the protectors of this city, Renal was never [i]truly[/i] off-duty "[color=6ecff6]She has wanted to see you for a long time, Valvius[/color]." Whenever Renal would see his sister, he would update her on what was going with him. Considering how he hardly ever went outside the house, the updates were always quite brief. [@rush99999] Emile's face was a few shades whiter as he looked at the mutilated body of the once grand and stead-fast Cyth, the Global Peace-keeper had one arm around his stomach and the opposite hand over his mouth standing just beyond the pool of blood. There were no real signs of a struggle that the naked-eye could make, it was likely the killer had ambushed Cyth and administered a lethal strike before he could react. The condition of Abraham's body indicated a higher level of resistance, several dents in other areas besides the chest gave evidence to that. After Jacoby walked next to him, he seemed to gain a bit more composure lowering his hand "[color=violet]I-I don't think this...[i]Blood Angel[/i] is just a serial killer. He's got an agenda[/color]." The title rang harshly in his voice, like it disgusted him. Bradamante stood silent over the motionless body of Abraham, who was now just a lifeless husk of armor. Sentinels were very hard to read given that they didn't express anything through their 'faces' or their posture. However, the stiff way Bradamante stood over his fallen comrade...it was enough to convey he was grieving. Shortly after the three of you began to look at the crime scene, an indiviual dressed in the exquisite robes, though a heavier winter model, of the Invictus Institute approached Vey. The charcoal black skin and the black curved horns that jutted up from his temples were the defining traits of a Demji, a race previously persecuted for their likeness to demons. While you could not hear their conversation, it was obvious this was the magister sent to trace the magnus core. [@Mystery Bard] Helene seemed to watch every moment Valmond made with an idle sort of interest. A subtle pout appeared on her face for a brief moment as he bypassed her comment and then brushed it off completely. She looked over the items he presented and nodded with content "[color=f7976a]These ingredients shall be adequate for my intentions, yes[/color]." she spoke once more adopting the strange form of formality. Without a momemt more of hesitation, she took out a golden zloty with the number [i]100[/i] etched into the face and placed onto the counter with a small smile "[color=f7976a]Please keep the change, but would you do me one favor[/color]?" Her red eyes seemed to almost sparkle, an almost mischievous look about them "[color=f7976a]Tell me, what made you want to be an alchemist[/color]?" Again she did not show any signs of joking around. She had placed a golden zloty on the counter like it was pocket money. Zloty come in denominations of gold, silver, bronze, copper, tin, and finally iron which corresponds to 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, and 1. Groszy follow the same pattern except they are all made of iron and there is no 100 denomination. As the vampire woman said this, another customer walked through the doors looking a bit shifty. His eyes constantly looking around the store yet never meeting yours, his hands unable to keep relatively still. Predictably, he quickly snatched a few ingredients from the shelf once he got close and tried to make for the door. Thieves were a rare occurrence, especially in this part of the city, but they do appear once in awhile. You have had a couple in your years running the store but none have ever made off with your goods. Before you could even move to deal with him, Helene's face scowled and in the blink of an eye she had the would-be thief by the arm, the limb held tightly in her hand above his head. With his feet off the ground slightly, he began to struggle and make quiet sounds of pain "[color=f7976a]Release[/color]." The previously somewhat sweet voice of the vampire woman turned harsh and cold as ice, like commanding a disobedient dog. The way it looked it seemed the arm could dislocate at any moment. The thief upon meeting the terrifying glare of Helene quickly did just that, leaving the ingredients to fall to the ground. His arm was released and he darted out the shop like a bat out of a hell "[color=f7976a]Hmpf[/color]." She knelt down and picked up the fallen ingredients, even if they were only show-case and more common ingredients. Any good merchant keeps the valuable stuff behind the counter. She returned to the counter quickly changing the terrifying visage to the more innocent one she held prior "[color=f7976a]Excuse me, here is the merchandise. Now then, where were we[/color]..." She spoke with a expectant look, not seeming to want to draw attention to what was just shown here. There was a good reason vampires were feared back then and even now, their physical abilities were above most mortals.