Reia waited for what she knew was going to happen. Isara chose her to spar against first. She probably hoped she could injure Reia bad enough that she would be out of school for a few days. She looked at Isara carefully for the first time since she met her. She was a few inches taller, and weighed probably a good 40 lbs more than Reia. She knew this was going to be tough, but she figured she would be okay. At least she hoped. The entire class began to move and shift, grabbing their weapons and things before heading out towards the sparring ring. Reia walked slowly towards the area, taking in her new surroundings to try and find anything that might help her with an advantage. She looked down at her clothing, realizing that she wasn't quite wearing appropriate clothing to fight in and her eyebrow raised a little. She should have packed something better. She crinkled her nose and reached down to take her heels off at least. Finally they reached the center of the ring, and the other students gathered around the edges, sitting and standing as they pleased to watch. Isara stood at the centre, her eyes completely focused on Reia. She held her weapon at her side, and Reia noticed as it glowed a soft blue. She must be able to use magic. Reia crinkled her nose and then let out a deep and slow sigh, trying to ground herself. Her bare feet pressed into the cool grass beneath her, and her pupils slit again, the way they had the night before. She could feel Isara's spirit through the ground, and suddenly her face lit up at the realization. She made sure not to change her expression though, and the instructor blew his whistle to begin the match. Without a moments hesitation, Isara moved towards Reia with immense speed. She swung the sword at Reia and she ducked down and to the side, the blade missing her by inches. Without waiting a second, Reia brought her daggers up and sliced the underside of Isara's arm that held her blade. She watched as Isara's expression turned angry, and she shifted so she was behind Isara. Quickly though Isara turned around and swung her sword again, this time quicker. [color=2e3192]"What were you doing kissing Welkins last night, huh? I knew you were a tramp!"[/color] she spat angrily, and Reia's eyes widened, taken by surprised. Isara's blade nicked Reia's shoulder and she staggered backward slightly, wincing. [color=f6989d]"You were spying on me!"[/color] Reia said, feeling angry at the thought. It was none of this woman's damn business what she did. Now she was pissed. [color=2e3192]"You don't deserve to be with him! I do!"[/color] Isara said again. Reia let out a gentle growl and quickly reached up to push the hair strands back up into her bun. Her shoulder was bleeding steadily and she grabbed a tighter grip on her daggers. Easily she moved forward, beneath Isara's outstretched arms, and sliced right down along either side of Isara's ribs. Isara winced and shouted out in pain, and Reia took her chance then. She could feel that Isara was scared, and Reia kicked out towards her. Her bare foot made contact with Isara's breast bone and she shoved her back, Isara's blade falling from her hand. A whistle was blown and the spar was over. [color=f6989d]"Back the fuck off bitch. Or next time it won't be so nice..."[/color] Reia said, staring at Isara intensely, pausing for a minute. [color=f6989d]"He doesn't want you."[/color]