[hider=Lukas] [b]Name[/b] - Lukas Haslee [b]Species[/b] - Human [b]Sex[/b] - Male [b]Age[/b] - 31 [b]Faction[/b] - Republic Commandos (Formerly 210th Commando Battalion, now attached to the Jedi Task Force) [b]Appearance[/b] - [hider=Appearance] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wkVRPEbNYRA/Vb3lijI4R5I/AAAAAAACoF8/IM8AZDcjd44/s1600/600full-michael-biehn-1.jpg[/img] Standing at 5’11” and weighing in at 165 lbs, Lukas is about what one would expect of a commando. He has a muscular build, broad shoulders, and tanned skin. His hair is dark brown, styled short, his eyes are green, and he sports a thick patch of stubble on his chin, left to grow due to relaxed grooming standards for special forces.[/hider] [b]Apparel/Armor[/b] - [hider=Plastoid Commando Armor] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140408200219/republichonorguard/images/3/35/WNx05S9.jpg[/img] A marvel of armor engineering, the commando armor constructed for use by Republic commandos allows for massive amounts of protection from blasters and projectiles alike while providing agile movement and stealth ability. The basic component is the black skintight bodyglove, made of a synthmesh weave surrounding the entire body from the neck down. It allows limited protection against lower velocity projectiles and nearly full protection against blades, while remaining airtight, coordinating with the climate controls and life support system of the suit itself. Attached atop the bodyglove is a system of servos which assist the wearer in bearing the full weight of the armor and accompanying kit, and giving a slight boost to physical aptitude. Next is the set of plastoid plates comprising the armor itself. Thickened to a level in which it remains light but durable, the plates cover every extremity, providing the ability to absorb the thermal and kinetic energy of 1-2 blaster bolts before melting outright. Otherwise paired with it is a spaced sheet of duraplast on the torso armor which helps to partially disperse blaster bolt energy and velocity before it reaches the plastoid chestplate. Added also to this section of the armor is a kama, an adaptation of the Mandalorian combat garment of the same name, meant to deflect shrapnel coming towards the usually unprotected waist and upper thighs (save for the bodyglove’s inherent protection). The final and most advanced portion of the armor is the helmet, made of layered plastoid and duraplast for the optimal protection of the cranium. Even the visor, the most vulnerable yet small portion of the helmet, is produced in five layers, the outer layer of reinforced plexiglass, followed by a layer of clear non-conductive ballistic gel, followed by another layer of plexiglass, then a refracting glass layer which the helmet’s projector casts the HUD onto, with the last and innermost layer being simple non-fogging reinforced glass. Included within the helmet is an advanced commlink suite, the previously mentioned HUD projector, the automatic suit climate regulator, and an oxygen concentrator designed to maximize the content of the suit’s air reserve. Accessories for the armor include the standard hardcase rucksack, webbing, and hardcase personal aid kit. Non-standard accessories include thruster packs for either EVA operations or in-atmosphere air assault, flame tank packs for trench and bunker clearing, extra oxygen reserves for hostile atmospheres, experimental photosensitive camouflage packs, and sapper packs for safely transporting combustibles.[/hider] [hider=Republic Army Service Uniform (Fatigues)] [img]http://puu.sh/yk6zy/41e205acf1.jpg[/img] The standard duty uniform of the Republic Army, the Service Uniform is an ornate sherculien, wool, and fleureline cloth uniform that is issued to each member of the Republic Army. It is authorized for wear when on-post, in formation, at a social function (whether private or public), and in transit to or from any mentioned occasions. The basic uniform consists of a tunic colored predominantly black, with golden-orange breast facings and a red stripe colloquially called the ‘blood stripe’ running the rest of the length of the torso. The trousers that accompany are simply jet black, running the length of the legs. Black synthleather boots are the authorized footwear, and red, golden-orange, and black peaked cover is optional for wear outdoors, but is not authorized indoors. A name plaque is always worn on the right breast, listing the surname of the wearer. Medals, citations, and decorations are always worn on the left breast in order of precedence, along with a unit crest. Rank tabs are sewn onto the right shoulder of each tunic, the front of each peaked cover, and, in the case of officers, the epaulettes and cuffs of their tunics. Accessories for enlisted personnel and officers include the standard black belt with brass buckle and unit crest. Officers, as a sign of status, receive more accessory options, with the ability to wear a crimson aiguillette looped around their left arm, a black sheathe for a blade of their choice, and a black synthleather holster for a sidearm of their choice. Lukas’s uniform sports the black name plaque marked ‘HASLEE’, and on the left breast the unit crest of the 210th Commando Battalion, along with his earned medals, which include, in order of precedence: a Bronze Crescent, a Medal of Progress, a Rifle Expert Badge w/ Bayonet Clasp, a Pistol Expert Badge, and a Purple Heart, the last of which is marked with two multiplier bars. His rank insignia shows three stacked chevrons and a rocker, labelling him a Staff Sergeant. [/hider] [b]Weapons[/b] - [hider=E-301 Blaster Carbine] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/45/E-301_repeating_carbine.png/revision/latest?cb=20150216160433[/img] Antiquated but reliable, the E-301 is the chosen primary weapon of Lukas. Sporting an 11.5 inch barrel and an overall length of 28 inches, it is extremely compact and versatile in any environment, firing with moderate accuracy and power despite its size. Its power packs hold 64 shots each. [/hider] [hider=A-212 Blaster Pistol] [img]https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/2/24/A-212_battle_pistol.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20140805195802[/img] Also an antiquated model, the A-212 is a reliable full-size blaster pistol which Lukas chose as his sidearm. With a 6 inch barrel, it is accurate to range and packs significant power. Power packs hold 21 shots each. [/hider] [hider=Fighting Knife] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/615022620957360042/58FF1E689C144D9E4DE8C0A4F5CCCE9BD205C5B1/[/img] Lukas carries a standard commando fighting knife. With a clip-point 8 inch blade, it is extremely durable and useful for utility and combat roles. [/hider] [hider=Cortosis Shortsword] [img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-3Ry_0ybxRro/U9KYfWqVfGI/AAAAAAAAAC4/flMx0Hs8ZFQ/w1280-h720/Weapon%2B-%2BCustom%2BCortosis%2BBlade.jpg[/img] Lukas also carries a melee weapon with lightsabers in mind, a Cortosis vibroblade with a 16 inch blade.[/hider] [b]Equipment[/b] - Miscellaneous Republic trooper kit. [b]Skills[/b] - [list] [*] [i]Guerilla[/i] - Lukas, as per training for all Republic commandos, has an intimate understanding of the finer points of asymmetrical warfare, and in turn, effective tactics to soften the effects of enemy guerillas. [*] [i]Marksman[/i] - Another product of his training, Lukas is especially skilled with blasters, having earned the Rifle Expert and Pistol Expert badges during his marksmanship course. [*] [i]Tactician[/i] - Formerly a squad leader within the 210th Commando Battalion, Lukas has a grasp of squad-level tactics and maneuvers on the battlefield. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] - [list] [*] [i]Brash[/i] - Lukas is not always calm and collected. His adherence to orders only just masks a boldness that causes more harm than good. [*] [i]Untactful[/i] - Partially caused by his brashness, he is not a diplomat, nor even a common orator. He is profane, but not disrespectful, however his demeanour can convey that idea. [*] [i]Bad Liar[/i] - Lukas never could construct a convincing lie, and especially in his choice career, it gets him into more trouble than anything. [/list] [b]Personality[/b] - ‘Fortune favors the bold’ is truly the best term to describe Lukas’s thought process and overall personality. Brash, but not talkative. Calculating, but never idle. He fits well with the types like him, taking the fight to the enemy swiftly and with overwhelming firepower. His demeanour in conversation is of a profane nature, save for when conversing with superiors, the trademark of a grizzled NCO. [b]Backstory[/b] - Born on Coruscant 1059 BBY, Lukas was raised in the Coruscant Industrial Zone at its height by his father, a veteran of the New Sith Wars (Jedi-Sith War) and overseer for a factory, and his mother, a worker in a textile factory. His early childhood was unremarkable. He went to a communal school within the Industrial Zone while his parents worked, and lived within a tenement with his parents. He began work at 16 in an assembly line factory, as was expected of people his age. In 1040 BBY, he made the decision to enlist in the Republic Army. With the blessing of his father, who had done the same decades ago, Lukas shipped for training the following year and, during training, passed the aptitude testing for the Commando Selection Program, and then shipped for advanced selection and training. He completed the training 17th in his class of 120 graduates (out of the 800 that originally passed selection), and was assigned to the 210th Commando Battalion of the Republic Army Special Operations Brigade. Deployed to multiple locations, including as an advisor to the Chelloan resistance during the Chelloan affair (officially Operation Influx), he garnered multiple commendations for valor and was promoted to Corporal, and then to Sergeant over his decade of service during the period, earning also a Bronze Crescent for actions in support of the Chelloan resistance, a Medal of Progress for deployment to hostile environments on multiple occasions, and three Purple Hearts for wounds sustained throughout these deployments. He received a promotion to Staff Sergeant in 1029 BBY, and the following year was pulled from the 210th Commandos to take part in the Task Force.[/hider]