[@CoyoteLovely][@Hekazu] [Center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken-[url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4c/0a/aa/4c0aaaffb374ed36742f3e16b9bcbc4e.jpg]KRS Wandering Guardian [/url] [/color][/center] [color=fff200]"Kindred Registered Ship."[/color] Fionn answered as he gestured to a nearby corner of the immense bay they were in. The spot he was pointing at cast an odd image. It looked as if someone had set up a small stable minus the walls and roof. [color=fff200]"I don't fly the flag the same way a Kindred Navy Ship would, but most nations will accept a ship registered with us even if they don't recognize the make of the vessel or the species at the helm. Want a tour?"[/color] He couldn't help but feel a smidge of pride at the way Nakreyya's eye flew across the ship. He hadn't helped design, build or majorly modify the Wandering Guardian so it was a bit silly of him to feel so. Still... The trip wouldn't last long. Hardly enough for them to do general overview at best if she accepted. In the meantime he might be able to see if the database had any languages the elf could read. Maybe if she stayed around he would give her low level library access. If the young mage was any judge of character engineering was one of the few passions Nakreyya had left. Feeding that passion was the least he could do considering what she was putting on the line for them.