Nyte tried to nod, immediately forgetting that she can no longer move in her rusted state. Instead, she gave a brief answer. [color=00aeef]"Yes, I realize what I am. I cannot change that, I'm afraid..."[/color] She sighed gently, listening to the fairy before watching him dart off into the bushes after a second loud crashing noise shook her and nearly sent her falling. [color=00aeef]"My, yes, I'd definitely help stop whatever is making that racket."[/color] Nyte flexed her metal joints as they slowly cleaned, and she sighed happily. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, friend. I will go put a stop to the destruction!"[/color] She said with renewed vigor, pulling her sword from the ground and sheathing it before posing triumphantly. [color=00aeef]"Oh, and, uh, feel free to rust any other knights who try to destroy these beautiful sights and sounds."[/color] She coughed loudly into her fist, backing away awkwardly from the fairy before turning and running towards the disturbance. Her boot caught on a root and she stumbled, but persevered and finally arrived to stare bewildered at the clumsy house ahead of her. [color=00aeef]"Oh no, it must be malfunctioning..."[/color] she mumbled, hands on her hips, then looked to the path of destruction it had left in its wake. She sighed sadly, looking back up in time to see the two vagrants stumble onto the porch of the uncoordinated house. [color=00aeef]"Not to fear, humble, um, wanderers!"[/color] She shouted to the pair, waving her arms and still not noticing that her left boot has vanished, [color=00aeef]"I can stop this poor thing and set it down! Just, um, hold on!"[/color] She ran beneath the lumbering house as it staggered along, abandoning her armor once she had gotten directly beneath it. She darted invisibly to the whirring metal legs and held on, spreading herself over the dozen contraptions and forcing it to carefully slow to a stop, immediately noticing the lack of strength in the metal. Whoever had built the legs had not planned the weight correctly, and momentum caused it to stumble around clumsily. She lowered herself carefully, legs bending inwards with loud creaks and groans as they gave way to the weight of the building. It finally slammed inelegantly to the ground, inches away from her old set of armor. She left the bent and crushed legs of the house behind and reinhabited her old set, stretching her much smaller form before jogging to the pair on the porch. [color=00aeef]"That was rather easy!"[/color] She exclaimed, giving a thumbs up, [color=00aeef]"Was there anyone inside?"[/color]