Grug took his time getting the horse to rise into the unfamiliar terrain. To be fair, he himself was a bit nervous about it, how he would hold up with the rumoured speed of such a vessel. But it was more or less the only way they could progress. Anything else would be woefully slow, especially now that they had spent as much time as they had to simply make their way here. Yet finally the animal ascended the ramp into the metal ship and he was pointed to some faux stable in a nearby corner. He looked at Fionn, the horse, the wagon and then at Fionn again. Everything? Just the horse? What was he going for? That would be solved in short order, but it seemed the mage wanted to take the elf on a tour around the ship. Surely he had realised Grug was too frail to consider such a thing, so if they were to go he would simply retreat into his home and spend some time in concentration. It did seem to him as if Fionn was avoiding him whenever he did not have anything to directly add into the discussion at hand. That was not new to him, nor was it even unexpected. Few people dealt with Orcs willingly, even fewer considered the kind their friends. In the confines of his wagon, he set up an incense and breathed in its fumes. He would need to take another look beyond the Veil, just to be sure. He unwrapped the crystal from its travel proofing by tugging open the knot that held all of it together. Such a pain to set up with one hand, but so very easy to break open again. Now... now he would focus. He had no knowledge of how long this journey would take. It might even be he would not have time to gaze properly. But that would remain to be seen. [@CoyoteLovely][@Silvan Haven]