Hopefully the cookies would smooth things over. Mom liked the colorful cream filled ones, and Pria made sure to get more of those than anything. She sucked in sharp breath and exhaled, preparing for the different ways this conversation could go. She had spoken with her mom a few times about her goals, and when she finally took it seriously it wasn't exactly the best response. It wasn't like she out-right shot her down or anything, but Pria couldn't always help but feel like she was doing something against her mom's wishes. Disappointing her was way worse then making her mad, but this is who Pria was. With that somewhat reassuring thought, she nodded to herself and opened the door, box of treats in her free hand. The warm smell of food wafted from the kitchen, and so did the sounds of movement. Pria made her way in, as casually as possible. Not wanting to seem like there was anything amiss. Her ideal plan was to mention offhanded and let it play out in much the same way. Nothing serious. As she turned the corner into the kitchen she greeted with a simple. "Hey mum."