[center] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/be/c6/b2/bec6b294774bb3118799cf5e25e616cd--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg[/img] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Bodil Bera [/color][/h1] [hider=Creeping Slow-Seeping Fear] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkuvXnxrfO4[/youtube][/hider] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] While Senorita Estupida and The Japanese Walking Ettique Lesson tangoed in which direction to go in, Bodil sneered at the fox. And when the Senorita slipped away to coil about with a man-eating snake, the dark-haired spitfire didn't even notice. It was every human for themselves at this point. What did it matter if someone was dumb enough to legitimately walk into the dinner pot of a monster? Nothing else made sense here anyway. The humans were needed and yet discarded like trash. They were 'indentured servants' yet Bodil wouldn't be surprised if a good two-thirds of this group didn't make it another month here. And the nobles seemed more 'of the people' than those they lorded over! Everything was so upside down about this place, it was giving her a headache. Not to mention her fellow captives were incompetent and death-seeking. Death here would probably be as common as swatting a fruit fly. And Bodil at least managed to hold her strong stance against one as fearsome as the Fox. Her feet shoulder width apart and her arms crossed over her chest with her head held high, she hardly even flinched when the beast man reared on her. Even if she had to clench her fists to keep from trembling. His voice got deep and dark and his face split like the overactive grin of a snake. Teeth like razors elongated and jutted from once handsome lips. A beautiful male face twisted into that of the monster that plagued sleeping children, gripping dreams and knotting them into nightmares. This was a face she knew. Bloodthirsty, sadistic, and without mercy. He split his own skin to peel back the humanity he used to mask the more feral beast within. The beast creature's muzzle, his glimmering teeth, his depthless black eyes. Bodil could felt frozen and pale in the spot where she stood. He laughed that horrid laugh and she [i]knew[/i] without having to see the rest of it. In fact, all she could see then was him. The Beast. Tormentor of dreams. Whisperer of terrors. Bringer of pains. [i]"You..."[/i] It was all that slipped past her once blooming lips. He reached out for her, grip tight even in her short dark hair. Her neck arched as he forced her to bend her head, a cold claw tracing with revolting care down her vulnerable neck. Gathering her close, he opened his mouth, as if either to sink his many teeth into her delicate skin with a gruesome kiss of cruelty or to swallow her whole. Her fingers dug into his arms and her eyes never left the beady black depths of his. She couldn't look away. If she did, she would die. Then, all at once, he shoved her away. A beastly Wolf restraining himself from gobbling down Little Red. He really did like being likened to a cat. The Fox called bones of feline-like things that had once lived. The slinking creaking things danced ghoulishly about, casting shadows that were almost cartoonish as they surrounded the huddled hoard of humans. Bodil didn't look away from the Fox, her pale face expressionless as a reflecting glass. He laughed, the violent sound sliding down her back and coiling around her feet like a waiting viper. The horrendous nightmare continued in moments that seemed to last longer than small slivers of eternity. This ghastly Yin took hold of another Fae as if his claws needed more than just small teasing tests he had given on Bodil's skin. Her torment's claws carved whisker-like marks into the face of a trembling male. Perhaps it was the first moment Bodil had ever felt truly sorry for one she saw a monster-kin. Nightmarish Yin cut of his toy's ears and stuck them into the head of the bleeding face he gleefully showed Bodil. Using her own clumsy and weak insult as a means of torture on his own kind. Her expressionless pale face part lips that no words seemed able to pass through. And, in just a few more moments still, the Fox swallowed the other fae' life whole, like a kid slurping up a cherry-favored G-ello cube. He licked his lips as the husk fell to the ground, ghoulish corpse like something from a bad horror film. Bodil's round dollish eyes stared back at the Fox who had once looked more human than beast. She had known his horrible quality. She had known, yet she hadn't been able to fully comprehend it. Their chase in the woods had been a child's game for this creature. A light and playful enjoyment even. For he was far more cruel and horrid than anything he had shown before. But all she could do was lock eyes with him, even as he entreated her to run. Only when the Fox turned his attention onto his own kin did she let her eyes fall to the husk of a corpse at her feet. The boney creatures he had called up had turned to ash. When she looked up next, his nightmare from had been replaced with the sickeningly sweet visage of his 'human' face. So many faces...which was the truth? For all his wishes to break her confidence, he only increased her desperation more. Because it wasn't confidence that pushed Bodil to run, but desperation. Simply running was a game to him, killing a tasty treat. But...how would he feel if it were his own blood on his full and fine lips? His own death gasp caressing his tongue? Her doe-like eyes blinked once, twice, three times and she trudged with the mass of humans. They continued to walk and the Soft In The Head Girl, with her stupid fox toy, waltzed right up to the Beast and thanked him like some dewy-eyed schoolgirl. Disgust rolled through her, making her stomach clench and threaten to send her into a fit of dry heaves. Ah, she had been talking to some human guy. Well, that was a bit better. After that performance, she didn't see how even this lack-brained girl could [i]thank[/i] that Fox. Of course, after thinking something halfway nice about the annoying girl, she did something entirely stupid to negate it. The stupid girl mentioned that she wanted to leave [i]to the Fox[/i], as if she were some guest at an overly pushy host hotel. Blanching at the idiot girl who was giving the Fox just what he wanted, Bodil's emotions went to their default state when it concerned the beastman: anger. Even as the twisted agonized forms of creatures lined the bridge they walked across, Bodil was shaking with the fury of yet another outburst. The tallest piercing spire of the dreadland loomed ahead like a dagger jutting from the breast of a decaying corpse. A river of screams echoed just beneath the stone of their marching mass. Alcove niches on the bridgeway were occupied by a various array of well-dressed Fae, their garish and flashy fashions contasting the ugly gleam in their eyes. The bridge seemed to be almost like a wealthy man's dining balcony for watching over the fighting pits and forced maze runners below. Like Parisians sample cafe delicacies, their attention was only drawn to the mortal-en-mass for a passing moment of intrigue. Bodil was interested and a slight bit surprised to overhear how the Fox, their guard, their herder, seemed to be a symbol of the trouble the mortals gathered could cause. Obviously, then, she fit in well to the expectations of the Fowl King of Fall. Of course, thinking on the monarch, the dark-haired hellion was starting to far prefer his cold attention than that of the ghoulishly cheerful Fox, who seemed far too content at the moment. And that was saying something, because while the Fox adoringly dragging his claws over her skin was reviling, yes. But just the drowning gaze of the King was enough to set her on edge. On second thought, she was sort of glad he would most likely neglect them. If was a small mercy that he wouldn't so much as lay a finger on her. Bodil shuddered in spite of herself. Her murky-water eyes were drawn once more to the Ice Queen WhatserNameStartsWithA"E" being jostled about by the same horrid woman as before. And of course, she did nothing. That horrid woman would probably get the Fox's claws too if she didn't cut it out. Of course...he might just settle for throwing her over the bridge wall. Looking at his back and tentacle-like tails, she had to doubt that he could probably get some sick satisfaction from doing a thing like that. Looking over their group again, noticing the ill effect the child-like Fea with demon eyes had even on the Stoic Hero Guy and his Native American girlfriend, Bodil's anger was put on ice again. Where was the Senorita? Manners Boy, Ice Queen, Stoic Hero, No-Brain Plushie Girl, Tatted Chick... No Senorita. "Hey you gross perverted fox!" she shouted in the spur of surprise, "You're missing a sheep in your flock!" Apparently, her shock had let her drift to march in the middle of the mass of mortals, so without hesitation, she sprinted to the front. Her fingertips tapped the Fox's shoulder, before she realized what she had done. Disgust swept over her and she quickly scrubbed her fingers on the leg of her pants, like it was dirty to touch him. "That girl who only speaks Spanish is el gone!" Okay, she couldn't help but sort of smirk at him. "Wonder what kings here do to flock herders who lose their sheep..." Her smile was replaced with a serious frown. "Of course, this herder also killing a few of the sheep for his own enjoyment too, so..." Shaking her head, she glowered at him. "Call up some boney minion or something," she demanded, "That girl was one of the good pieces of meat, unspoiled and innocent, right? Someone just stole from the King, from right under your nose! You get ticked when I call you something cute and fluffy, shouldn't you be more pissed that someone stole right from under you?" [/center]