[center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nPgzXDExGhU/UYN-sCRrSkI/AAAAAAAAQZM/Ej-JnEbbwB8/s1600/Freedom+flag.bmp[/img] November, 1939[/center] [h2]Time Life Magazine News Bulletin(s)[/h2] [u][b]Pro-Nazi Rally in New York[/b][/u] An estimated 22,000 people attended Madison Square Garden in New York to show their support for recent Nazi victories in Poland. Marchers chanted Pro-Nazi slogans, burned Polish effigies and one Jewish man was attacked during the event. An estimated 80,000 counter-protestors attended and were prevented from entering Madison Square Garden by Police. Four officers were injured and several hundred people arrested. [u][b]President Presents "War-Footing" Bill in Congress[/b][/u] President Roosevelt presented a new "War-Footing" Bill in Congress today requesting additional funding for the armed forces, enough to double the size of the Army and increased spending for the Navy. "Adolf Hitler is no mans friend, and with the state of world affairs it would be shameful for this great country of ours to be caught unawares." - President Roosevelt. The Bill is expected to pass with a majority vote though some Republicans are suggesting the bill does not go far enough. [u][b]US Government Warns Nazi Germany[/b][/u] The US Government has issued a warning to the German Government about attempting to sell Military equipment to South American Governments. The United States firmly states that the Americas are not the domain of any European power and any attempt to influence it to the contrary could result in economic sanctions.